Spuds fer tea.

Eye as binter bnq ferra bag ur sand. Bag ur seament. Free meter lenf er gutter. Er L shape square set fing. Tu tubes er window sealunt. Roof hang fing ter convert er ladder ter er roof ladder.

Eye bin ter omebase ferra power eggstension lead un er dagger fing fer gerrin weeds oot me slabs un block paverin.

Eye bin ter Wickes ferme hair bricks. Er mortar gun un eye wurked oot earlier push fit ose pipe fittins fit ont me wata but so eye be getted two £5 bags er ose pipe fittins so eye can connect two ter same ose pipe. Eye just need er y shape connected now. Tis much cheaper ter byer packs as tis only ere quid more than byin er single one. In there be 3 bits int pack eye want. Eye were gunner bye thems ose connecters with pipe clip ont but yer dun't need em. That makes it be cheaper.

Tis not all gud. Eye be found oot the mortar gun dun't fire mortars. It be ferra stufin seament int stuff. Eye be finkin it not be fit fer purpose as it dun't fire mortars.

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