Well relaxed.
Why do family want me to travel miles to do gardening? Ring other family members who are closer :eek:

I fully understand. When my mother was still with us, myself and my husband used to travel over 200 miles every Saturday for 10 years to take her shopping and to do her garden - my older and only sister lived less than a mile away and in 7 years she did not once go to visit her! Upon mum's death, she was there faster than an arrow, sorted everything out in record time (started at the crack of dawn) and then, when I arrived at 10am, asked me to take all she did not want to the local tip. One antique cabinet was left for me 'as a keepsake' with the comment " It doesn't matter ,after all, it will just come back to be inherited by my daughter"!!
Before her memory made a drastic deterioration, my mother once said to me, " I've a good mind to put labels on all my things to say who should have them". I laughingly told her not to waste her time as my sister would just ignore them. How right she was.
Was funny of the family member..
Well as you don't have kids you must have plenty of time on your hands....

Nope I have a Landrover & horses & dogs.

What tools do you require & will arrange some for you?
Oh if your supplying garden stuff a BBQ is in the same section can we have 1 of those
Fick families... :mad:

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