I would very much like to buy myself a brand new lathe. The price is c. £3,100.
I bailed my boy out for £4,500 just last week, but I baulk at spending my money on myself. Am I mad?

Answers on a postcard please.

Somefink eatid 2/3 of me hog food over night. Not sure what it is. Cats sometimes trigger me light. Eye always look oot to see worrit is but need to be awake to do so. Yer never know when a jaff may wonder frew the wilderness of me garden. Topped the food up. There's a slug climbing into the water bowl. Can't be bovvered removing it tonite.
Ear, so I found an oil filter on eBay whilst searching round for best price. Anyhoo…LR genuine £11 plus post, adds to basket…vendor changes price to £111. Scamming bazza - anyone else noticed this tactic on basket items.

Yup noticed it loads of times I just delete it & add somit else in its place. Mostly never the same item that was in there already. 🤣

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