.......that we got up ultra early as, well, W has to get up reely early for important stuff like going shopping at the Street factory outlet shops, "for Christmas presents". With dottir.
Oh yeah!
She asked me not to cut the top off another finger with a circular saw this time!
That is how long since she went there last.
So, enjoying the sun.

Got AVG up and running last night but boy do they want you to spend dosh and nearly don't allow you to have what you bought so cheap!
I'm going to have to try and dig up @Hippo 's old post on this as I think he told me how to get more stuff free.
@Hippo meets @kevstar meets @Stanleysteamer !!!!!
Have a good one folks!:):):):):)
Evidence to the contrary is in your first line. Can't kid us ------- :banana:
Seriously, if I was going to watch a soap that would be the last miserable pile of poop I'd watch, but every now and then we catch the theme tune as we turn over for summat else to watch or are opening up the Humax box to find summat recorded.
I cannot even hum the Coronation Street toon, but you have to admit everyone knows the assenders one, tis about the most famous thing about it. ;)
Had a bust up with a boat owner today, he's full off attitude thinks hes a big hard man now hes got my back up
when he gave me the finger n told me to f off. When I asked him to move his car.
Ive said a few things I shouldnt have like the first thing......
If you stick that finger up at me again I'll snap it off 🤣 🤣 He's fallen out with 4 members off staff in the yard
within the last 2 weeks im not going to put up with abuse from anyone so I put him in his place. Hes away to see the
yard owner. Oh well good luck pal..........
Had a bust up with a boat owner today, he's full off attitude thinks hes a big hard man now hes got my back up
when he gave me the finger n told me to f off. When I asked him to move his car.
Ive said a few things I shouldnt have like the first thing......
If you stick that finger up at me again I'll snap it off 🤣 🤣 He's fallen out with 4 members off staff in the yard
within the last 2 weeks im not going to put up with abuse from anyone so I put him in his place. Hes away to see the
yard owner. Oh well good luck pal..........
Hope the yard owner tells him to take his boat and shove it up his --------
Oh Jeez!
My books arrived.
the cover of the one on Art Deco cars!
My Marlin Roadster is just crying out for a little bit of modification to make it very, very similar.

Last thing I need is yet another project! But could I possibly make a hard top that would transform it to look like it?


Yes, who the HECK did that with the spare wheel!? Just to get a luggage rack on! When I went on honey moon in mine I made a luggage rack to go over the spare which sits where this rack is but it gives you an idea!
This is what mine looks like with the soft top on, not so good!

Now for the MG Airline.

How hard could it be? And the Marlin is just a shade longer and a bit lower so the Airline look would be even more graceful!

I might have to pick Andy Saunders' brain!
Last edited:
Oh Jeez!
My books arrived.
the cover of the one on Art Deco cars!
My Marlin Roadster is just crying out for a little bit of modification to make it very, very similar.

Last thing I need is yet another project! But could I possibly make a hard top that would transform it to look like it?

View attachment 302815
Yes, who the HECK did that with the spare wheel!? Just to get a luggage rack on! When I went on honey moon in mine I made a luggage rack to go over the spare which sits where this rack is but it gives you an idea!
Now for the MG Airline.
View attachment 302816

How hard could it be? And the Marlin is just a shade longer and a bit lower so the Airline look would be even more graceful!

I might have to pick Andy Saunders' brain!

The top pic (Marlin?) looks purposeful, nice flowing lines and pleasing to the eye. But the bottom pic (MG?) ---- fugly. And looks like an elephant sneezed on it :eek:
The top pic (Marlin?) looks purposeful, nice flowing lines and pleasing to the eye. But the bottom pic (MG?) ---- fugly. And looks like an elephant sneezed on it :eek:
Not disagreeing with you,
applying the same principles it ought to be possible to create a really graceful hardtop to more or less go over the rear, give me a more spacious boot, or even a second boot. I think one would look a heck of a lot better than the MG, cos it's longer and lower. Also the front wheels are further forward.
Since yoread it I've edited the post and put a pic of mine in with its soft top on, which don't look too clever with the side screens zipped in, it is better with them off though.
Had a bust up with a boat owner today, he's full off attitude thinks hes a big hard man now hes got my back up
when he gave me the finger n told me to f off. When I asked him to move his car.
Ive said a few things I shouldnt have like the first thing......
If you stick that finger up at me again I'll snap it off 🤣 🤣 He's fallen out with 4 members off staff in the yard
within the last 2 weeks im not going to put up with abuse from anyone so I put him in his place. Hes away to see the
yard owner. Oh well good luck pal..........
Is he just a fud because he owns a boat. It's not that guy that got your back up on the boat thread is it 😂

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