Eye be got onner these engravin pens fer engravin. Well it be simlar. Tis more like free hand writin with er pen with er spinning bobble ont stick which scratches wot yer touch with it. But eye dunt care tis wurks fer me.


Eye bin scratchin me post code int tools ter hi denty fi them. It be fun un messy. Plastic be ok. Etch surface un blowd dust er way.

Painted metal be different uz metal be not protected if eye goes through said painted surface. Eye bin lookerin fer clear metal varnish ter paint t'over me etching ter protect fromt rustin ont etched metal. Does we think that'll wurk? Does we know of a good clear metal varnish ter do said job?
Eye be got onner these engravin pens fer engravin. Well it be simlar. Tis more like free hand writin with er pen with er spinning bobble ont stick which scratches wot yer touch with it. But eye dunt care tis wurks fer me.
Does we know of a good clear metal varnish ter do said job?
Have a look on ebay under metal lacquer spray.:)

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Eye has just eated the last six crumpets. Eye be appi as they be Sainsbury's anorl. Unner pack er solt un vinerger.

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