You never can tell what's going to like it round here. The quince trees are in different places - a couple in an area that could get waterlogged and the other two in a more sheltered spot where the soil gets drier. But none of them seem especially happy. Sea buckthorn is supposed to be exposure tolerant but it doesn't like it round here. Four years after I planted some, most of them have died. The apples seem to do alright here - I'm still working my way through this year's crop, and that's from trees that haven't been in long. The oak trees I put in have mostly had a very good year and are growing faster than I thought was possible for oaks. There's a variety of alder, alnus incana, that likes it here, and grows very well, but its close relative alnus cordata just sulks and stays very small. So it's all an experiment. I've got plenty of space so if things turn out a bit different from what you expect it isn't a problem.
know what you mean last year we lost some nice oaks to fungus so this winter some ground clearing have let it get to overgrown
Good night defender..


  • Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 18.56.21.png
    Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 18.56.21.png
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Gottid meself a lectric car from wuk to play wiv. Borrowed it ferra few days. Taking it back when it needs charged. Tis practice for when eye needs a car fer wuk travel. Bin signing up wiv apps so eye know where chargers are and how to pay to charge.
Chap at ex wuk gottid a tesla coupla years ago cuz he thought it was cool. Bumped into him today, he hates it. Infrastructure hasn't kept up an travlin any kinda distance is a pita. Leccy is a croc. Hopes there's summink better up the toob.
Chap at ex wuk gottid a tesla coupla years ago cuz he thought it was cool. Bumped into him today, he hates it. Infrastructure hasn't kept up an travlin any kinda distance is a pita. Leccy is a croc. Hopes there's summink better up the toob.
Eye has bin installing apps like zapmap and bp pulse. Tells yer where chargers are and if they is being used or last time used. Loads of chargers available. Eye is planning 1k miles over 2 days to visit the haggis munchers. Fink it can be done easily.
Gottid two blue berrys to put oot for me squirrel tomorrow. He has been every day this week apart from one when it rained. Another he only took 1 of 5 nuts. Fink somefink may have put him oft that day. Spottid a small robin at me wurm feeder cage. Gorrin side and oot ok so eye is happy wivvit. That were wiv the big tie wraps round the bottom bit to stop big burds.

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