We'll be onot our mates in Cherbourg too soon, for the same reason, obvs. 🫰🫰🫰
I slept through the hurricane that hit Kent in '87. Didn't hear a thing. Set off to work as normal in me jam jar, copper stopped me at the end of the street and asked where was I going. Lunnen, to work ses I. No you ain't ses he, you won't even get out of the village. He was right, I went back home then to the shops and got loads of candles. No heat or leccy for about 10 days.
Got another hurricane, think it was in 2010, on Anglesey. Knew about that one, I was in me tent, for a weekend of bike track days. I knew there was a problem when the roof of the tent was slamming on my head. The weather moderated next day and we got nearly all the track time.
Last night I heard the longest roll of thunder I have ever heard in my life, lying in bed afore going to sleep. Followed by the second longest, followed by a third that was long but not as long as tothers. :stars:

Lots of rain overnight but no really noticeably bad wind.
Betweeb us and Chichester we saw lots of flooding but nowt much else, but that was from the A31, A27 and M27 only.
Guess we were just in the right place. ;)
Hey up gang, got somit different to do tomorrow & work with a film crew for the bbc.
Think the program is called the granite harbour, they are filming on the ship that I was scrapping.
I'll see if I can get some pics. :)
So you're gonna be a TV personality eh? :cool: Hope it doesn't change you too much. Don't get too aloof and stop talking to us common lot :p.

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