You uncultured swine! Obviously never ventured into Waitrose and seen them 🤣🤣😋🤣🤣
(Once upon a very long time ago, you could get a Martini in an aerosol. According to Tomorrow's World. )
I get the humour of this, but...

Having been an old skool cocktail barman back in 1972/3 I cannot imagine not making my own cocktails. So "Gin'n'Tonic " in a tin is an anathema to me. Like a "ready meal".
Sorry, just the way I am. ;) 🤣
It was an Airfix-Kit car I reckon. ;)
Nope it was aJeep replica, I'll try and remember the make, or Google it, of course. We had one or two in my club. Escort based I think, Jago jeep maybe.

Can't find the actual one on the web, (In the one I saw they did it to music and drove it off the set. It was some programme where people had to do stuff in under 3 minutes. Some challenges were a fail.) It was years ago, no one would use a Mk1 or 2 Escort for this nowadays!

But here some army peeps do it in under 2 1/2 minutes.

I have gone back to it to discover that the new sub doesn't start for a bit.
Would you please be so kind as to tell me which is the best way of signing up cheaply for a simple one, that covers one or two machines? I do already have it on my mobile.
Once I have that info I'll get AVG on and cancel the other one.
10 devices for 2 years. Wuked for me.

Download and install avg internet security from ere.

Download the free trial. Then delete the old software. Restart then install avg. Ignore anyfink that asks yer to sign up to payment. It may want yer to create a user account wiv them. Do that. Once installed go to the licence bit in gge software and enter the text string license code bort on ebay. You is then licensed. That will turn on all licensed features of avg intrrnet security. Virus tec'shun and firewall.

This way you ain't buying direct from avg or signing up to extersional prices for renewal, via auto subscription. Use the same cide on 10 devices. Avg will track this and yer can see how many items are using it on yer online user account. Put it on all yer phooters and smart fones. May wuk on apples and eye pads anorl burreye dun't know about thems.
Me washing machine only ever wuks wiv cold water. Eye leaves the powder draw and door open after use. Mine hassa pipe to drain oot the water, near the filter removal bit. Mine dun't smell burreye does have a small amount of black on the bottom of the door rubber and powder tray. Will be removed soon.
Eye want to make meself an 8x4 foot nooker table. Eye will mount this on top of a big wuk bench. What wood should eye buy to use for the bed? 8x4 sheet of 18mm ply or mdf? Both from wix.

Edit: eye is wondering which one will stay straight the longest and not bow.
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Eye want to make meself an 8x4 foot nooker table. Eye will mount this on top of a big wuk bench. What wood should eye buy to use for the bed? 8x4 sheet of 18mm ply or mdf? Both from wix.

Edit: eye is wondering which one will stay straight the longest and not bow.
out of the 2 i'd say MDF, brace it well underneath so it doesnt bend too much. when you put the baize on, you need to stretch it
ply is too uneven to start with
Yep. He eats some and runs oft wiv uvvas in his mouth. We is making feinds so eye is happy wiv that.
Till next season when they all start to germinate! Most will be well hidden making it difficult to keep up with their removal before your garden is inundated with little trees which, by the time you find them, have mostly developed LONG roots!

This year I had to remove hundreds - and I do mean hundreds - of oak saplings. :(

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