Right then ive been setting up & crypto currency account....I dont know anything about it but my mates are making money
on this. Risky probably but is a couple of grand worth a risk ?? my mate has shown me he's made 1400 dollars in two weeks.
For doing what pressing a button 4 times a day. Some of his mates have put in serious money but then they afford to loose
a years wages. :oops:
Afternoon folks :) .

Still nice days here, No rain so no water:(.
We did have some other day so quick showers and a washing machine run before it ran out.

Had some company with our morning cuppa on the front step.View attachment 299384

More wood stacked, not much left now and need to put our emergency wood pile near the house, then that’s us ready. Will maybe fire up the system to check next week, after I clean the soot box and sweep the chimney :)

spoke with Mum &Dad last night and mums had her cataracts done. phone call late cancellation could she come in, yep no problem, all done and dusted both eyes she’s happy:)

You have been busy still got s--- loads to do not started the logs yet off to locals market today for a break and beer run temp been 24 all week but chilly at night can see some dust specks on the RR πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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