Dull and damp but good weather forecast for steam show at weekend
Little truck almost ready, brake test today, tyre check (18 of them) and grease bearings.
Made a temporary engine cover but not happy with it, butterfly bonnet if you know what I mean, need access to start engine, should have bought an electric start motor :rolleyes:
Enjoy your day all :)
Morning all.
Having received in writing the Brit vet's observations, comments and diagnosis, together with suggested treatment, (i.e. "rip em out") followed this morning by the histology report on the ganglion which, surprise surprise, turns out to have nothing much wrong with it, the French vet is now asking me how she is.
This is the decent one.

I have yet to process the pics I tried to take of her rear teeth yessdi to see if they actually show anything.
I have plenty of time before we get back there with the dog. Not looking forward to telling her that her colleagues, and eventually she, possibly missed the obvious. Beginning to wonder if they didn't give the intial teeth cleaning to one or two of the "stagiares" who were there at the time. (Vets in the last year of their training getting in some hands on practice.)

Must work out the French for "a fresh pair of eyes".

My left knee sort of locked up and swelled yessdi after the work done on the wardrobe door the day before. So will not be taking chances with it today.

Dull but dry at the moment.

Have a good one folks.:):):)

W out for the rest of the day.🤣
Afternoon folks :) .

Still nice days here, No rain so no water:(.
We did have some other day so quick showers and a washing machine run before it ran out.

Had some company with our morning cuppa on the front step. IMG_0747.jpeg

More wood stacked, not much left now and need to put our emergency wood pile near the house, then that’s us ready. Will maybe fire up the system to check next week, after I clean the soot box and sweep the chimney :)

spoke with Mum &Dad last night and mums had her cataracts done. phone call late cancellation could she come in, yep no problem, all done and dusted both eyes she’s happy:)


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