So got the van passed it's inspection what a palaver suppliers shut for Aug then rammed solid with trying to supply parts in Sep...did all the brakes mechanical etc so got another fail but could carry passengers only had to re-aligne new headlights and emmisions so new filters and a bottle of redex and a good blast around for a couple of days...back for the test same miserable bastard again revd engine a few times then put wand up the exhaust looked at the machine shook his head started again looked at me got in the van and drove it over the pit left engine running at that point I normally have to park it outside but he waved follow me in to office...hit a couple of buttons on his keyboard and reached down for the paperwork red for fail green for pass he picked green YES I said emissions were OK Portugese he said very good in English he said very very good and gave me a slap on the back...
Well lovely and warm here pizza night on wed was great sitting outside bar with mates drinking cold beer eating pizza at to Spain tomorrow for lunch and stock for shop it's only an hour away...
Depending which part of the Pyrenees you are near, you could be relatively close to us, we are only 2 hours from the mountains.
Well when we are over there, as in "not now"!
Have a lovely Satdi!
Could you translate that into something I can understand please, haven't a clue what it means :p

Do you have a Multi meter or a Digital Multi meter?
Set it to AC and on a high ish range.
Run the engine and put 1 lead to your wire and the other to earth, Rev the engine a bit, If you get a reading then you have an alternating current coming out so would need to apply a rectifier to the line to make it DC.
If nothing (or extremely low) then change it to the DC and repeat.

I suspect being a quite new engine it will be DC and in a safe range to connect to a battery, but I would check it first.

Mini ecu saga continues wft :mad: had to send back the 2nd ecu ive bought...returned through ebay & royal mail
I cable tied the keys & ecu body control unit together, wrapped it up in the box it came in then wrapped the box in gaffer
tape so it couldnt be damaged. Seller got the box & guess what the keys & the body control unit are missing out
the box :rolleyes: Seams like theres a bit of a claim going on here im due a couple of hundred quid back & he doesnt
want to refund me as there are missing parts ive got the receipt & it was weighed when I handed it over.
Now what happens. ?? :mad:
When he claims on ebay you counter claim. If it has gone missing in the post then your responsible. Claim on royal mail. The limit will depend on what service yer bortid.
Do you have a Multi meter or a Digital Multi meter?
Set it to AC and on a high ish range.
Run the engine and put 1 lead to your wire and the other to earth, Rev the engine a bit, If you get a reading then you have an alternating current coming out so would need to apply a rectifier to the line to make it DC.
If nothing (or extremely low) then change it to the DC and repeat.

I suspect being a quite new engine it will be DC and in a safe range to connect to a battery, but I would check it first.

Thank you
Mower wiring only has a solenoid so I suspect it should be quite simple

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