Hello everyone. :D
Late today because...... [insert plausible excuse here] :)
Got some delayed soreness from the Osteopath session, but by heck she is good.
Sleeping better and less instances of the "dead-fingers" waking me up at night. :D
14-0-0 according to the "bathroom liar" this morning. :) Only three and a half stone to go. :(
Still need to get some leg-muscle strength/bulk though.
I hope everyone is doing well today. :D

Just returned from a quick pre-w/e food shop and have been told off by a blonde MILF through facial expression. She chose to reverse park her large white Nissan SUV next to me. I waited til she'd parked before reversing the Forester out. As I reversed to a stop, looked across and she had a fuming looking face as was still struggling with parking the Nissan...this after 6x fore and aft positioning manoeuvres. A shame really as she would have been much appreciated in the Top Totty wearing a bikini/topless thread.

I smiled and winked and drove off...happy Friday to the blondes of the world.
Afternoon folks:).

Just back from our local eatery as it the last weekend they are open😭. so now we have to wait till next year to go again.

But we brought a salad and some grilled veg home for tomorrow/sunday:).

All is well in this part of the world, hope everybody else is feeling the same :).


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