Eye is not appy. Eye found 3 baby birds ont me drive this mornering. They be bold un no feffers. They were 2 foot from said fence where there beer bush ont t'other side witch is where's eye finks the nest be. Eye be seen birds go int there often.

Me beer suspicious hippo as all birds were tergetherer as if the nest has bin tipped oot. Eye be upsetted. Eye scooped tup what were there un ceramoaniously checked them inter er bit of waste land ter go back ter nature.

Eye know t'other birds pinch nests but it be strange they were all int row touchin each t'other ont drive. :(
Nay chuen iz a crule finng wiv Sir Vival oft fittestes bert poower ickle burdeez
Eya iz saddisted anorl Milard Hippy :(:(
Nay chuen iz a crule finng wiv Sir Vival oft fittestes bert poower ickle burdeez
Eya iz saddisted anorl Milard Hippy :(:(
Eyz kant ehet mi hayd rounders ikul buds bean int row neeted. It bee ayzif eyt bey don ont pearlpus. Ont dryv wiv now kuva. Eyz been wundurin iff eut bee anymul ore heumain folt.

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