After yesterday’s trip today day was get the garage back to normal.
Bike off trailer (I just reversed it in and car stayed outside for the night) and the green meanie is back under cover in the garage:)

Now sitting here and the fresh bread cooking is driving me nuts:eek:
Home made veg soup and fresh bread (with real butter) on for tonight:).

I'd av left im alone, is more trattery :)
Congrats on a nossum fred @Hippo.
Issa warm, frenly an fuzzy haven amid today's modern travails. Not to mention the deposit of most interestin colloquialisms, phonetic and downright impenetrable spellins (@Old Seadog tikkerly , who needs the Times crossurd hey?)
Speakin of colloquialisms, does anywhere else say "wheeee!" as an expression of disbelief or amazement? Reckon its a Turk thing..
Peace people :D
@marjon, an the nation at large..
Let the march for real food ( butter tikkerly) continue. If your gunna have summink have it proper, not this shadow smoke food they tell us we wants. Life is nuffink half lived (jus don't be an oinker, taint rockit siyinz izzit?).

We know this, we drives Landy ;)
Us boys be back. HUZZA!! Congrats to Mr Hippo on 500 pages of the bestest fred in the world wot be sellybraytin the bestest Landrover in the whole world ever.
So say HUZZA! lovely boys and a big thank you!! Next stop 1000 pages!
Us boys be back. HUZZA!! Congrats to Mr Hippo on 500 pages of the bestest fred in the world wot be sellybraytin the bestest Landrover in the whole world ever.
So say HUZZA! lovely boys and a big thank you!! Next stop 1000 pages!

Never driven an F and have nuffink to say onna matter (tho tratters is betterer, obfussly ;)) Much respek (am down wivva kids) nevless to Lord H.
Yep, I has had a cuppla sloe gins..
Check u onna downside :)
Ohhh exsquezze me. Lord @Hippo
I always thought this was nothing to do with a hippo section:)

But then a nice family can play together nicely, that’s the main thing:)


Pic was bath day for the family:) (well 2 of them)

The green meanie likes being clean, where as the blue “mud ball” prefers the mud:D.(usually)

But hey ho we all have a preference, but all enjoy each other’s company and that’s the good thing:)

Ohhh exsquezze me. Lord @Hippo
I always thought this was nothing to do with a hippo section:)

But then a nice family can play together nicely, that’s the main thing:)

View attachment 173204

Pic was bath day for the family:) (well 2 of them)

The green meanie likes being clean, where as the blue “mud ball” prefers the mud:D.(usually)

But hey ho we all have a preference, but all enjoy each other’s company and that’s the good thing:)

Once tup onner time it were the tratter section but eye took over in ere un converted it to the second Freelander section. Eye still allow the tratterers int but they after takes there wellys oft before comin int.

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