Tis too hot. Last nite eye woke and were struggling the breath. Gottid me thurmus flask to keep me drinks cool.

Had me stake last nite wiv home grow'd tomatoes and chips and mushrooms. Stake cooked on me mean green grillin fing. Betterer cooked than the air fryer and still soft. Cut it into strips to cook it to make the cookering even. I is sat int kitchen where it is cooler. E7 washing on the line. Charged me heating batteries up over nite.
Just collected about 40 tomatoes oft me plants. Eye is struggling to eat em all. Having tomatoes wiv everyfink. They is baby ones at 20 to 30mm diameter. Eye dun't normally go fer baby vegerbles as eye fink its sad that baby carruts dun't get to live to adult carruts. Me tomartoes must be maxed oot on age as they turn red when ready to pick. They dun't get biggerer if yer leave em. They go mushy.
Talking of omebase... eye went there on fryday after going to wix. Eye then went to bnq. Looked at all the hanging baskits. Eye fink the 40cm ones from omebase is probably the best option. The metal prob fings are wide enuff to gerra blackburd through but norra pigwing. Eye will put em upsidedown to cover me burd baffs.
Talking of omebase... eye went there on fryday after going to wix. Eye then went to bnq. Looked at all the hanging baskits. Eye fink the 40cm ones from omebase is probably the best option. The metal prob fings are wide enuff to gerra blackburd through but norra pigwing. Eye will put em upsidedown to cover me burd baffs.

As long as they can get out quick if a cat mooches past ...
Someone wiv a smart fone should protect it if using it online or wiv apps online. A cyber security peep should know that and do it.

A non disclosure doc is setup to confirm one or more sides agree not to disclose information relating to the subject in said nda. Like a companies network security and weaknesses, if thats what they is looking at. It could put yer in court fer damages if yer go against what yer signing up to. Norra clever idea to sign an nda while telling peeps of private info from other companies they have been to.

Chap wiv the hard drive refusing to admit it were damaged. Manually reading data oft it as some of the disk surface was undamaged.
I was kinda joking, I did in fact get all this except for the bit about the hard drive. But always nice to have it confirmed that I understand any of this tech stuff!;)

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