Well I love all things mechanical, both my grandpas and my uncle having been ships engineers although one grandpa specialised in the sprung bearing(s) that the propshaft on a ship has to turn in as it exits the hull. So more landbased.
But no two were alike, so one minute he was down in the bilges getting filthy helping the guys take em off, then measuring up for a new one, then he was back in his suit negotiating the purchase of one with the owner or captain, then back in the bilges supervising the fitting of the new one. He did this for most of his working life, although weirdly he started by training as a butcher! He did it all through the war too so that wasn't at all easy, tons of pressure and spare parts etc not easy to get hold of.

So a control cable going through a transom and a propshaft going through the stern of a much bigger ship, they are still things that need to do a job while keeping the water out. Hence my interest!
Reading it sober I now understand the first one and second one. 🀣
Happy weekend.
Early walk of the dog & sort the horses out. Cycle race round the area later so roads will be closed.

Planning the Evening out Taking the young niece/nephews/great nieces out for a meal.
Problem is they all have various favourites.
So looks like a curry will be the choice they can always order chips

Hope you are all well and relaxing
A heavy morning mist hanging around 'ere. Still humidly warm though.
I'm back in my pit with mi cuppa and dogs are happily kipping outside.

Enjoy your day folks whatever you choose to do. :)

Same mist here sun is starting to poke through, dogs outside im having a coffee. Apparently im doing a bbq tonight for 15
peeps (great) :rolleyes: So much for a day off. I'll cook n drink beers n have mine first. 🀣

I know two folk who double dip so I watch them like a hawk :vb-eyes:

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