Why did yer cut yer roof beams finner at the end. It will make em weaker. Wassit to get more of an angle? Just wondering.
They're only holding plastic sheeting up and it was so they sat neater on the support beam
It was built for me as a Christmas present by a man who does porches (not the cars) :D
Made a very handy workspace to clutter up at the side of the bungalow :)
My pickled gherkins are a bit hit and miss. Do you have a sure-fire way of doing them? We didn't even bother to plant any this year.
And do yours have to be eaten quite soon after you put them into jars or, if not, how long can you keep them?
We love good ones and a neighbour loves our excess crop which he makes into salad. He was bit miffed we didn't plant any this year.
What we do Is pick at about 3in long salt over night wash in the morning sterilize jars pack in tight a piece of dill cover with Apple vinegar seal for crispy one's use cold vinegar for soft use warm vinegar we use them up over the wintertime as thay get to strong if left works with chillys and smoked peppers
Dint know it suffered wiv fraud. Yer have to password yer account. Eye save over 100 sovs a year chopping. Yer get point discount and offers. Eye stock up on non perishable fings when they is on offer. Eye has bin known to do that fer over a year wiv me brekfust cereals. Previous years they gave me 10 sovs at crispmus.
We've had ours so long that there is no connection with it and the internet. We get everything via the post. So no password, no fraud etc.
With Tesco we used to get so much dosh we could almost pay for christmas. Not so good now but still worth doing.
Costs nowt, why not do it?
What we do Is pick at about 3in long salt over night wash in the morning sterilize jars pack in tight a piece of dill cover with Apple vinegar seal for crispy one's use cold vinegar for soft use warm vinegar we use them up over the wintertime as thay get to strong if left works with chillys and smoked peppers
Ta mate.
Someone told me you have to rub them with summat, maybe just your hands.
This will get rude comments but is there anything in this?
I will copy your recipe and save it somewhere.
Thanks again muchly.

Oh, one last question. How strong vinegar?

Ta once more
Bright and sunny again today.
Flipping dogs woke me twice early this morning, so I ended up getting up late.
Lazy brekker and W not feeling too clever. We are going to a "vernissage" this evening where our good Dutch friends are exhibiting so having dins at lunchtime, if that make sense.

Will open the pool in a few mins. Feels like summer again. Hope you are all having a lovely time.
...I have err... "Enjoyed" a brisk 3 miles on my treadmill. :)

Need a shower now. :)
Congratulations. Do I recall you saying in a previous post that you'd lost some power in your legs? So if you can enjoy a three mile walk on the treadmill that sounds like a big improvement.

It's so important to keep the body active and mobile at our age. I tell myself that as I'm gasping through my press ups!

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