So, at dawn tomorrow I shall be on the roof in me jim jams, tackle out, shaving foam in one hand and aftershave in the other. Suppose I can expect to be bailed by lunchtime. Don't think taking advice from me buddies on LZ is gonna stand up as a defence when in front of the judge. :eek:
We are all nutters Got landrovers
Watch the national news tomorrow night. Expect a report - The nutter on the roof was bailed, and instantly re-arrested for arson ------. I'm doomed.
Mornin all.
Had to be up at stupid o'clock to take w to her first session of physio since the wimmins got back from her hollibobs. Wasn't very tanned considerin she was in Andaluthia.
Had to wait an age in the stationer's to pick up me parcel with the bitz for me cutter machine.
Back playin me up after yessdis moving around of wine boxes.
Weather still coldish, damp and grey.
One more grower to go and the inventory will be finished.
Feel extremely CBA today. :(
Have a good one folks!
Well the counting of the plonk is over, each bott accounted for by vigneron, name, colour, price and year. All 700 plus of em.

I'n NOT doing this again, I swear from now on each time we drink one the spreadsheet will be updated!!

Had to throw 12 botts away. We have known about this for a while now, and they aren't the first.
A vigneron we knew and trusted for many years, who once didn't make us pay for months cos his machine bruck down but still let us take a boot ful of wine away. Well just before Brexit was going to bite we got ahead and bought tons of wine from all over the place, and from him we bought about 20 cases of his very best stuff and his not quite best stuff. What we didn't realise was that they needed drinking within the next year and a half. Being good stuff we thought it would age very well. It didn't so we had to chuck about half of it away, yet we are still drinking the cheap stuff we bought from him at the same time.

Say "Yay" for sulphites.

You could say he wasn't dishonest, but he didn't say anything like "Are you sure you can drink all this before it goes off?" He just sold it to us.
Needless to say we haven't darkened his winery's door again. Pleased to say that none of the rest has gone that way.

Still there are some interesting "bin ends" in the fridge and around awaiting our pleasure!!

Enjoy the rest of the day peeps!!!
Well the counting of the plonk is over, each bott accounted for by vigneron, name, colour, price and year. All 700 plus of em.

I'n NOT doing this again, I swear from now on each time we drink one the spreadsheet will be updated!!

Had to throw 12 botts away. We have known about this for a while now, and they aren't the first.
A vigneron we knew and trusted for many years, who once didn't make us pay for months cos his machine bruck down but still let us take a boot ful of wine away. Well just before Brexit was going to bite we got ahead and bought tons of wine from all over the place, and from him we bought about 20 cases of his very best stuff and his not quite best stuff. What we didn't realise was that they needed drinking within the next year and a half. Being good stuff we thought it would age very well. It didn't so we had to chuck about half of it away, yet we are still drinking the cheap stuff we bought from him at the same time.

Say "Yay" for sulphites.

You could say he wasn't dishonest, but he didn't say anything like "Are you sure you can drink all this before it goes off?" He just sold it to us.
Needless to say we haven't darkened his winery's door again. Pleased to say that none of the rest has gone that way.

Still there are some interesting "bin ends" in the fridge and around awaiting our pleasure!!

Enjoy the rest of the day peeps!!!
That's an awful lot of wine. No wonder you suffer from aches and pains if you move that lot by hand. What will happen if you become too frail to move thousands of bottles of wine? If I needed that much I'd see if I could get it delivered by tanker and get a load of IBC tanks and a fork lift truck to move them around with. A bit like those 'wine in a box' abominations, but bigger. At least you can still lift the glass to your lips, which is the most important thing.
Well the counting of the plonk is over, each bott accounted for by vigneron, name, colour, price and year. All 700 plus of em.

I'n NOT doing this again, I swear from now on each time we drink one the spreadsheet will be updated!!

Had to throw 12 botts away. We have known about this for a while now, and they aren't the first.
A vigneron we knew and trusted for many years, who once didn't make us pay for months cos his machine bruck down but still let us take a boot ful of wine away. Well just before Brexit was going to bite we got ahead and bought tons of wine from all over the place, and from him we bought about 20 cases of his very best stuff and his not quite best stuff. What we didn't realise was that they needed drinking within the next year and a half. Being good stuff we thought it would age very well. It didn't so we had to chuck about half of it away, yet we are still drinking the cheap stuff we bought from him at the same time.

Say "Yay" for sulphites.

You could say he wasn't dishonest, but he didn't say anything like "Are you sure you can drink all this before it goes off?" He just sold it to us.
Needless to say we haven't darkened his winery's door again. Pleased to say that none of the rest has gone that way.

Still there are some interesting "bin ends" in the fridge and around awaiting our pleasure!!

Enjoy the rest of the day peeps!!!
Maybe you looked like a jakey.

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