Nope, you will no longer be allowed to hire one and use it, illegally or not, you cannot use a private one at all. on public roads, footpaths etc, as it is illegal. But you can own one and presumably ride around on it in your house, garden paddock estate etc.
But you can use an eBike, legally, in Paris.
Remember Clive Sinclair all the trouble he had the government at the time just put barriers up
I used to take the train to work for a while, it was about the same price as going by car, but a 15 mum walk each way at home end and 25 min walk each way at the office end. Not so bad on a nice day, not so much in the rain/ice/cold etc plus overcrowded carriages. If work keeps you a few minutes late then you're stuck
I'd rather take the car

When I got a driving ban I phoned Clyde port to ask if I could moor my speed boat in the River Clyde (well in the city centre)
the lad on the phone who the fk are you James Bond 🤣 🤣 🤣
When I was a little Wimblowdriver, me n the other street urchins used to raid any wasp nests we discovered. Tactics ranged from poking bangers into the nest, squirting hot water mixed with domestos from squeezey bottles, lighting small fires and so on. Despite wearing extra clothing and any protection we could muster, we always got multiple stings and generally came second in the battle.
We where the same but we wanted the grubbs for fishing top bait worth the stings we got 😃
And me. Just noticed yesterday (well 'er indoors drew one's attention to it). Earlier this year we had bees move into the eaves, left them to it. Wasps have taken over - dunno if they have ousted the bees, or moved in when they left. How does we get rid of wasps???? :gunner: 🐝🐝🐝
I know cos we gets them often over 'ere. but no one will listen to me so I'll wait until all the others tell you!!

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