Every city in the western nations are blighted with them. You take away the chance to drive in the city unless you can afford a BEV so people want a way around that isn't public transport.
They can always ride a bike or hire an eBike.
They do have public transport systems, many better than cities in the UK. Even (wow!) trams!!!
Too much choice maybe?
There is nothing wrong with them, or eBikes per se, it is the idiots who ride them, often kidz, and just leave em any old where, don't wear helmets, cause accidents etc. (10 peeps killed in July alone according to French govt data. (From AFP website)).
We have the flipping things in Ferndown and they are a silent menace, plus even on our estate, which is nowhere near the town centre, kids just abandon them so you have to make sure you don't trip over them on the footpath when out walking your dog or whatever.

Paris already has an absolutely fab Metro system, far superior, faster and more regular then the London underground. That's electric. They also have buses as far as I know.

I have been to Paris twice and hope never to repeat the experience :) the Metro was dirty and full both times we went.
Not quite as full as London's underground but I don't intend to go there either!
Public transport is too expensive compared to other means
Depends where you are and how you pay for it. In Paris if you buy a "carnet" of ten tickets they are well cheaper and can be used on both their tube and their buses. You get a lot further on a tube as, OK there are zones, but one ticket means you can make a journey that goes as far as you want, within that zone.
They can always ride a bike or hire an eBike.
They do have public transport systems, many better than cities in the UK. Even (wow!) trams!!!
Too much choice maybe?
Makes no difference to me but people want freedom and public transport is not that. I have been across Europe right up to the Russian border by train and it really wasn't a pleasant experience.
The way the western world is heading, we will have less freedom than the east.
I have been to Paris twice and hope never to repeat the experience :) the Metro was dirty and full both times we went.
Not quite as full as London's underground but I don't intend to go there either!
It depends as usual on what time of day and what time of year. But one thing I dislike strongly about them is that they aren't always very hot on wheel chair access. As isn't the London Tube.
I used to take the train to work for a while, it was about the same price as going by car, but a 15 mum walk each way at home end and 25 min walk each way at the office end. Not so bad on a nice day, not so much in the rain/ice/cold etc plus overcrowded carriages. If work keeps you a few minutes late then you're stuck
I'd rather take the car
Forgot that you have a BH! (for once!)!

Anyway removing a cause of death and injury has to be a good thing. Just saying like!;)
Life is the single biggest cause of death 🙄

Folks are obsessed in removing risk from everything, it's not a good thing. Without some element of risk, life wouldn't be worth getting out of bed for! Though that's pretty risky anorl
Depends on your point of view. I personally wouldn't ride one but I wouldn't want to presume I should stop others.
Are you in favour of banning motorcycles too as they represent a large number of deaths?
Logically yes. My mother spent her time for quite a while at work trying to put people back together who had hurt themselves on them, usually an accident, not often their fault, but sometimes sheer stupidity, like the two who were playing "chicken" and neither of them chickened out.
But emotionally I wouldn't want to deprive people of a form of transport that is quick, cleaner than a car usually, and can be convenient. Quite apart from being fun. But if we deprived everyone of everything that is fun, where would we be?
Lots of people drive their cars in a way that gives them "fun" but it can be dangerous. Which is why a lot of people say people should be encouraged to do track days for that and ride or drive more sensibly the rest of the time.
The big difference is that, unlike eScooters, few bikists ride around paying scant attention to pedestrians while sharing their space. The eScooter rules are being so flagrantly broken, so often, that those who could vote voted 90% for their banning.
Logically yes. My mother spent her time for quite a while at work trying to put people back together who had hurt themselves on them, usually an accident, not often their fault, but sometimes sheer stupidity, like the two who were playing "chicken" and neither of them chickened out.
But emotionally I wouldn't want to deprive people of a form of transport that is quick, cleaner than a car usually, and can be convenient. Quite apart from being fun. But if we deprived everyone of everything that is fun, where would we be?
Lots of people drive their cars in a way that gives them "fun" but it can be dangerous. Which is why a lot of people say people should be encouraged to do track days for that and ride or drive more sensibly the rest of the time.
The big difference is that, unlike eScooters, few bikists ride around paying scant attention to pedestrians while sharing their space. The eScooter rules are being so flagrantly broken, so often, that those who could vote voted 90% for their banning.
Trackdays are freaking expensive! I can see a time when they will stop running
Logically yes. My mother spent her time for quite a while at work trying to put people back together who had hurt themselves on them, usually an accident, not often their fault, but sometimes sheer stupidity, like the two who were playing "chicken" and neither of them chickened out.
But emotionally I wouldn't want to deprive people of a form of transport that is quick, cleaner than a car usually, and can be convenient. Quite apart from being fun. But if we deprived everyone of everything that is fun, where would we be?
Lots of people drive their cars in a way that gives them "fun" but it can be dangerous. Which is why a lot of people say people should be encouraged to do track days for that and ride or drive more sensibly the rest of the time.
The big difference is that, unlike eScooters, few bikists ride around paying scant attention to pedestrians while sharing their space. The eScooter rules are being so flagrantly broken, so often, that those who could vote voted 90% for their banning.
Having ridden for 38 years and burying a few friends I still wouldn't ban them. I see the official figures on car deaths world wide is 1.5 million pa. I wouldn't ban them either. If someone causes death or serious injury through scooter use then prosecute don't ban and remove the pleasure for all. It is the nanny state.
Having ridden for 38 years and burying a few friends I still wouldn't ban them. I see the official figures on car deaths world wide is 1.5 million pa. I wouldn't ban them either. If someone causes death or serious injury through scooter use then prosecute don't ban and remove the pleasure for all. It is the nanny state.
I think I am just going to put a lid on this can of worms, or reclose the lid of Pandora's box, or whatever! ;)
Having ridden for 38 years and burying a few friends I still wouldn't ban them. I see the official figures on car deaths world wide is 1.5 million pa. I wouldn't ban them either. If someone causes death or serious injury through scooter use then prosecute don't ban and remove the pleasure for all. It is the nanny state.
Education comes before prosecution, but saving lives through education didn't generate meaningful stats.. number of rules broken, number of offenders caught etc so there's no incentive
Yer right he didnt know he was potting the brown 🤣🤣🤣
Did he sing the big break theme song to get her in the mood?
I think they are great, the city needs more electric transport as Paris has just about banned all other fuel types in vehicles :)
Never been to Paris
"France is just a country to drive through to get to Italy" - James May
8 out of 10 motorcycle accidents are caused by car drivers, shall we
ban cars then, Landrovers excepted !
Please any nissan suv drivers, Hyundai tuscons. Basically any of the rash type SUVs driven by the "full time mummy types" yes I know I'm a female that has an SUV but mine was because I wanted it and not because I need to have it for children. You know any silver Merc is driven by a snooty woman with bleach blonde hair. I could go on.

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