That's 29 days I think
Don't think so.
And re the 30 times thing, my kall cool eyter started to go skew wiff at about "times 2 on 26 repetitions" it suddenly gave 13421772 when it should have been 1342177.28.
Then it went well wrong giving a figure of 26843544 when it should have been 2684354.56
It was all down hill from thereon.
To think Froggy schoolchilluns is doing their maffs devoir with faulty machines like this!!!
Same with us at the same point so may be a built in error 😯
Another day at the dottirs new home to sort out a drainage connection into a manhole, as we are shifting the bog into a new position in the bathroom and the new position does not fit the old drainage. First mistake of the day - forgot to take a curry out of the freezer before I left home - wot to do for tea tonite?? Sorted, got a salami diavollo pizza from the co-op knocked down from 6.5 to 4 sovs as it was on its last scoff by date. (I am responsible for looking after me this week, 'er indoors is on a weeks hol to the seaside with her sister). Then a bit of progress - made a new connection point at the manhole. Then a big setback - me heavy breaker dinged the incoming water supply pipe which was encased in the same concrete as the old drainage pipe. Luckily, just a ding, no leaks, copper pipe. Its gonna be a challenging job doing the repair though, carefully chipping away the concrete to properly expose the pipe and make enough room to work on it. Now on the outside of me pizza, first can being drunk. Don't think it will be the last one though ------
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Right guys
Whilst I have the sump guard off think ill replace the steering damper. Any recommendations as I see a big variation in prices, advice please
I've recently fitted a Terraform Return to Center unit. It's gots a spring. Not dear and easy to fit and set up.
I did do some research on ere and some peeps thought it shouldn't be necessary if all other parts of the steering geometry are OK.
I know that my set up is good however and have found a definite improvement with getting back on a straight line, especially at lower speeds.
There's my six pennuth..
I've recently fitted a Terraform Return to Center unit. It's gots a spring. Not dear and easy to fit and set up.
I did do some research on ere and some peeps thought it shouldn't be necessary if all other parts of the steering geometry are OK.
I know that my set up is good however and have found a definite improvement with getting back on a straight line, especially at lower speeds.
There's my six pennuth..
Thanks Turkstowner
I'll check this make out
Im just in the door, I didnt get a chance to measure them, I finished work
Then..... picked the misses up fae the ferry.
Then.... went to look at a cottage for sale.
Then.... went to get some shopping.
Then....went to get a take away. doing nowt 🀣

No worries mate. I remember having a busy lifestyle ;) Now I just don’t remember🀣.

next time you is tinkering will be fine:).


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