We have all except the water 🀣. it’s the time of year bloody tourists. But it’s our day tomorrow:vb-banana::vb-banana:
well we have space for veg and chickens but don’t .

...and I am still wondering why you don't seeing as we do and we aren't even here all year round.
Mind you it saves time and effort and doesn't tie you to the house for more than a little while.
Yes Why the F DOO we bother????:mad::mad::mad:
28 in da house now.
100 f outside in the shade.

And we are supposed to be going down the mountain in a short while to the producers' market. 360 metres lower than us the temp down there is always higher than oop 'ere, and we has to go early to bag seats/a table for our friends who seem incapable of doing the same for us despite living in the town within walking distance.

I'll have to do my sums again, what I think I remember I got was summat else.
But deffo a lot more'n a mill.
I probably have it wrong then. Never mind. Never been good with money, that's why I don't have any. :D
We went early in the searing heat to bag seats, they turned up late cos of the searing heat. :mad:
I ate so much I got bloated, not a nice feeling. Had to sleep with the fan on at quite a high speed all night.
Still the sean doggy wasn't panting any more!
24.5 in da house now.
Off to change the hens' bedding, W wants to do summat with the onions, (the ones in da ground) then I may try to cut a load of brsuh/weeds/"grass" wiv da beeg macheen.
But will have to pack up at lunchtime as it'll be up to 35 degs c by then. Then we'll have funder an lytening!
Have a good one folks.

Morning all, lovely day again,
Breakfast will be porridge and some soda bread I baked yesterday
Got a funeral after dinner, next door neighbour died recently, he was a good bloke, always had a laugh with him, sad to see him go at only sixty. Heart attacks just hit you and if you're unlucky then it's all over. :(
Off to polish my shoes now and get the old black tie out
Take it easy all :)
Details maker supplier πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

He got them from Glenn Lewis I think (if I remember) but they come from here

Which is actually really good news. :) .

I asked the size cos as you can see they are listed as sizes not for any particular car/brand.

Morning all, lovely day again,
Breakfast will be porridge and some soda bread I baked yesterday
Got a funeral after dinner, next door neighbour died recently, he was a good bloke, always had a laugh with him, sad to see him go at only sixty. Heart attacks just hit you and if you're unlucky then it's all over. :(
Off to polish my shoes now and get the old black tie out
Take it easy all :)
Hope it goes well. 60 is no age.:(
Heh hoose cleaned out and restrawed. They then promptly sorted it out and threw a lot of the straw back out again.:confused:
W has dug up the onion she planted in the spring and I worked in the polytunnel, which was like working ina sauna, stringing up tomato plants that we didn't even plant.

Frog leccy bill came, Β£100 for 2 mumffs. Can't complain! Accurate too, as we are on Linky.
In for a cooling off break before we head out and back to it afore being completely driven in by the heat.
Have a good one folks.:):):)
..I just booked a cycling trip to Cambs for 3 days in Sept. :D
Houghton Mill NT place. Luxury Glamping pod for me and a tent for me mate.
We did share the pod last time but we both snore too loudly so he said he'd rather be off in a tent.

I need the pod because I will need to charge batteries up on the trike. :D
..I just booked a cycling trip to Cambs for 3 days in Sept. :D
Houghton Mill NT place. Luxury Glamping pod for me and a tent for me mate.
We did share the pod last time but we both snore too loudly so he said he'd rather be off in a tent.

I need the pod because I will need to charge batteries up on the trike. :D
....... and a good time should be had by both. :)
Details maker supplier πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
..I just booked a cycling trip to Cambs for 3 days in Sept. :D
Houghton Mill NT place. Luxury Glamping pod for me and a tent for me mate.
We did share the pod last time but we both snore too loudly so he said he'd rather be off in a tent.

I need the pod because I will need to charge batteries up on the trike. :D

Can ye not drive there instead of cycling you'll be knackered 🀣 🀣
28 in da house now.
100 f outside in the shade.

And we are supposed to be going down the mountain in a short while to the producers' market. 360 metres lower than us the temp down there is always higher than oop 'ere, and we has to go early to bag seats/a table for our friends who seem incapable of doing the same for us despite living in the town within walking distance.

I'll have to do my sums again, what I think I remember I got was summat else.
But deffo a lot more'n a mill.
...and I am still wondering why you don't seeing as we do and we aren't even here all year round.
Mind you it saves time and effort and doesn't tie you to the house for more than a little while.
Yes Why the F DOO we bother????:mad::mad::mad:
Sometimes it's a mental thing the produce is a bonus and you have got to keep your brain active 😴😴
My carlcurator must be a bit different to yours. It gives Β£10 737 417.00. And dividing by 2 30 times gives. Β£0.0099999.
But when I do the same thing wiv your numbers it too comes to Β£ 0.0099999!!!!!!!!!

Velly innereshting!!

But Shtoopid!!!
if I had that amount of money I would not give a sh!t πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜…πŸ˜†

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