Had to buy new work boots as the male dog now 16 months has decided to gnaw the the ankle support of them :mad::mad:
Last week it done my timberland trainers :mad::mad: sick of it tbh cant leave anything lying about & its not as if its got
bones to chew as theyre all over the place. No point buying toys as its a waste of money the damm thing just pulls them

First it was his bedding, then into the toilet bin, if you leave anything on a radiator he will steal it when your out.
Had to put a kiddies gate on our bedroom as hes ripped the quilt apart & god knows how many toilet rolls hes
destroyed. Shes going oh what a best boy bla bla Not to mention slabbing out the back cause he was eating
the nice sparking chippings. :eek:
Had to buy new work boots as the male dog now 16 months has decided to gnaw the the ankle support of them :mad::mad:
Last week it done my timberland trainers :mad::mad: sick of it tbh cant leave anything lying about & its not as if its got
bones to chew as theyre all over the place. No point buying toys as its a waste of money the damm thing just pulls them

First it was his bedding, then into the toilet bin, if you leave anything on a radiator he will steal it when your out.
Had to put a kiddies gate on our bedroom as hes ripped the quilt apart & god knows how many toilet rolls hes
destroyed. Shes going oh what a best boy bla bla Not to mention slabbing out the back cause he was eating
the nice sparking chippings. :eek:
Oh dear!
We usually give ours an old shoe of ours to chew and they know that's theirs and don't touch ours. A bit of "No!That's not your's!" and a yank on the collar plus giving them their own one back, seems to work. But then Spaniel derivatives probably aren't so bad.

Yep we've had all the (shock horror) "Don't do that it'll only make them chew your shoes more.!!!!!" Stuff. Nope it didn't.

We also had a King Charles Cavalier that chewed holes in plasterboard walls and big lumps out of the huge stretcher to our Elm refectory table, BEFORE we had him "done". He was living in a house with other "girl" dogs so it finally dawned on us.

Has he not ripped into any of her Jimmy Chews???!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
Maybe you haven't heard, Graeme Hall is looking for new "dogs behaving badly" for his show!!!


also Kongs as he may just be bored.

We once got a ball that you put treats into and the dog had to kick it around until the treat fell out, but Brandy (yes the randy one) found out that as soon as one fell out, one of the girls got to it faster than he could, so he learned to dribble it to where there was a gap between the door and the wall where he could trap it and bat it back and forth while fending the girls off.

Dogs ain't stoopid!!
Afternoon all. Long walk this morning and cracked on with gardening. Ripped my bramble bush out and moved logs around, stripped some pallets and planted carrots, raspberry plant and leeks. Noticed my mint was on its way and have repotted that and fed it. Need to get some canes as my tomato plant is 5'3
Had to buy new work boots as the male dog now 16 months has decided to gnaw the the ankle support of them :mad::mad:
Last week it done my timberland trainers :mad::mad: sick of it tbh cant leave anything lying about & its not as if its got
bones to chew as theyre all over the place. No point buying toys as its a waste of money the damm thing just pulls them

First it was his bedding, then into the toilet bin, if you leave anything on a radiator he will steal it when your out.
Had to put a kiddies gate on our bedroom as hes ripped the quilt apart & god knows how many toilet rolls hes
destroyed. Shes going oh what a best boy bla bla Not to mention slabbing out the back cause he was eating
the nice sparking chippings. :eek:
Possibly needs some mental stimulation

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