Guid morn
Cracking day in prospect
Just dragged the Aprilia
oot the garage, off for a short blast to Largs for a coffee
at Costa
Have a guid day all
Gorgeous morning, must be one of the sunny intervals they forecast
Taking GF to dentist at noon, finish stripping hall ceiling first though.
Got a leaky boiler as well, thought it was the kettle but it's an intermittent leak from boiler.
Take care all and enjoy whatever you do today
That's not correct I think.

The statement as original had only one real error, and that was the use of "too" and not "to".
Everything else was OK AFAIK.

And if you want to use Someone's please use the apostrophe( as in Someone (has)? ;)
Or Someone's car is blocking my drive. (possessive).
Of course it is not correct, I was being ironic.

But if we are going to be pedantic, as animals aren't human the use of "someone" is incorrect, it would in fact have been more correct to say "something". But psycholinguistics come into play here as so many of us love our animals so much, their personalities and so forth, we give them names, talk to them, etc, etc, which is why we sometimes refer to them with terms of endearment as well are referring to them as if they were human.

Really guys, English lessons before I have even finished my brekker? Come on!!! I'm bliddy retired!!!

My fault, I know I started it, but that wa slast night!!;););)
Just had a coffee so back to weeding the onions forecast for tomorrow is 33mm of rain wow we will see The shepherd is with his sheep further up the mountain and a bit concernd as he's got a Wolf weighting things up one will go missing tonight I bet

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