Just returned from a very wet dog walk! I am soaked to the skin - literally! No, the dogs do not get wet, except for their outer hair, and all they were interested in is 'where's our breakfasts?'
Tis raining & waterproof are out.

Is it wrong(if my waterproofs leak of course) to dry your pants under the hand dryer?
I would of course remove them first :eek:
Needs must!:) If someone objects, simply invite them to dry them for you their way!
Tis raining & waterproof are out.

Is it wrong(if my waterproofs leak of course) to dry your pants under the hand dryer?
I would of course remove them first :eek:

You need to be very careful, when I was dragged up, pants were the boy equivalent of girls knickers.
So being caught naked from the waist down in a toilet could get embarrassing :eek::eek:

Been nice here last couple of days, lots of sun with a couple of small showers, have just lit the fire as we are wimps and after 3 months we now have to wean ourselves off the therapeutic flames in the room:).

How comes yer need ter do it 3 times?
We need to do 5 courses over a five year period - but with the limited availability of courses in general, and the difficulties faced by a small business to get training places for 3 drivers at a time, we only managed 2 days training in the last 4 years, and the 5 year period expires in September. Ergo - we are all doing the only available course - first aid - 3 times each!
Happy days!!! :rolleyes:
We need to do 5 courses over a five year period - but with the limited availability of courses in general, and the difficulties faced by a small business to get training places for 3 drivers at a time, we only managed 2 days training in the last 4 years, and the 5 year period expires in September. Ergo - we are all doing the only available course - first aid - 3 times each!
Happy days!!! :rolleyes:

What you need is a mate who's a qualified instructor and the loan of a scout hut ... :)
Eye fink and dryers is great but they only feel warm when yer ands is dry then won't switch ont again
Eye were lookin out me bedroom window and ur black bird appeared ont me garage roof. Eye looked at it. Eye think it spotted me after eye turned ter look at it. Normally they fly after shortly after this but it dint. It turned to get a betterer look at me. After er bit eye went downstairs un looked out me patio window. Said bird were still there. Occasionally ducking down because ov the wind. It then spotted me again un moved er bit so it could see me betterer. Stayed ferra bit un disappeared. Eye were quite appy with this. Tis an improvemint.
Eye were lookin out me bedroom window and ur black bird appeared ont me garage roof. Eye looked at it. Eye think it spotted me after eye turned ter look at it. Normally they fly after shortly after this but it dint. It turned to get a betterer look at me. After er bit eye went downstairs un looked out me patio window. Said bird were still there. Occasionally ducking down because ov the wind. It then spotted me again un moved er bit so it could see me betterer. Stayed ferra bit un disappeared. Eye were quite appy with this. Tis an improvemint.

Checking to see if youse a fret ....

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