Congrats on the pay rise @Dippypud
I gots a paltry 2% this year, after sod all for two years.
Neither of which are anywhere near inflation an I'm in the private sector anorl.
We're now part of a 'group' which essentially means we gots new overlords an no money to pay bills let alone peeps. The amount of 'mission critical' suppliers threatening to put us on proforma invoice is a joke. As is our reputation in the industry. I'm quietly quitting, fuggem.

I'm quite lucky, it's a good job, with peeps I've known for some 40yrs or so, and I got 5% last year as well, not bad for a four day week ...
Eye was doing no mow june, after no mow may. But me bin is emptied today and it were empty. So eye mowed me grass. Ain't dug oot all the nettles so eye mowed em aswell. Eye only has a little mower but he's well ard. Dug oot the occasional thorn fing around me garden anorl. Then it were dark so me light came on. Topped me bin up wiv me naybers bush.

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