its good to put food out a watch what birds arrive , we put food out year round and they come ago i presume depending on availability of their natural food, we have a few tits and sparrows a couple of black birds and a robin that are regulars ,but theres quite a variety that turn up for a few days or weeks at various times,the bird table is placed in an area in front of the front window so we can see them whilst relaxing i move the table every week or so, we havent yet but we want to put some nest boxes up
Nice. I'm going ter put up some bird boxes with a separate section for a camera to see what goes on. Peeps sell them ont eBay which has given me some ideas of my own. Not got round to making a bird table yet. Bird baths are out but not being used yet. They're 8 foot from the patio doors so we can watch them. Can also be seen from the kitchen window anorl. Spotted the squirrel at the side of the house the other day. He ran away but at least eye know his preferred route now. Eye will put something out fer him at some point.
Nice. I'm going ter put up some bird boxes with a separate section for a camera to see what goes on. Peeps sell them ont eBay which has given me some ideas of my own. Not got round to making a bird table yet. Bird baths are out but not being used yet. They're 8 foot from the patio doors so we can watch them. Can also be seen from the kitchen window anorl. Spotted the squirrel at the side of the house the other day. He ran away but at least eye know his preferred route now. Eye will put something out fer him at some point.
it one o theythere Reddy squibbles ora Graigh treerat?
Eye lubs reddy squibbles eye duz.
Us boys did try zum wine. That wuz the day befor terday. Us boys did av beer after the wine, norl and then zum lambig. Us boys iddun doin much terday. When is it yesterdy?

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