Mealworms er gone so eye put some more down and stood wotchin from window so they associate them appearing with me being there. Er brown blackbird came but seemed eggstra nervous and kept disappearing.

Braan blackbirds are the girlies ...
New drive belt on the tratter this evenin. The ole one had a three inch split and was twitterin moren @hippos dicky birds. She a happy girl agin now. :)
Oh and Salmon an new taters for us.
An wine
An so, to bed:)
Lotsa home stuff to do this weekend :rolleyes:
All went smoothly for the scan but we will now have to wait until they make an appointment to get the results. Meanwhile everything is crossed for a hopeful report. Thanks for asking, it is appreciated.:)

Fingers crossed here too. Mrs TT has had a couple of issues in the last couple of months. Both turned out to be non serious (but could've been, scary time).

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