Out looking for a spare wheel for my Yeti today
got a screw in my tyre yesterday going to Toolstation
The provided canister wouldn't stop the air escaping neither would a new one from Toolstation.
Luckily there was a very nice RAC man on the car park who plugged the tyre for me otherwise I would have been screwed
not funny :(
Out looking for a spare wheel for my Yeti today
got a screw in my tyre yesterday going to Toolstation
The provided canister wouldn't stop the air escaping neither would a new one from Toolstation.
Luckily there was a very nice RAC man on the car park who plugged the tyre for me otherwise I would have been screwed
not funny :(

I have an off road sticky string set in every motor, plus most places wont repair the tyre once its had a canister put into it.
They will sell you a new tyre, take yer tyre n wash it oot then get it repaired. :)
Afternoon folks :).

Cut some wood today, Had to get 4m lengths as need 2.1. Anyway the off cuts will be used in the "east wing" ceiling so not waste.
So 16 pieces cut then laid out and treated for water/mushroom/bugs spray, mixed twice as strong as recommended so hope it lasts, it wont touch the ground when in place so fingers crossed.

First 5 cube of firewood coming later today, Prices have gone up;) but they are cheaper this time of year cos nobody needs it, but they need to earn a living. M got 50lv(£20-25) discount cos he also knows we will want about 20 in total. Although last year we only used 12. but it wont go to waste;).

Nice day here to work outside and hope the grass is dry enough tomorrow to get a good mangling;).

Getting close to looking at the pool, as we are solar battery full by midday and not using what's available time to turn on the 1.5kw pump for 8hrs:).
Was even brave and lifted the lid on the hot tub today, water looks good but may change it this year and give it a good clean.

Lots to do, summers coming and our favorite eatery opens in a week:vb-banana::vb-banana:.

Nice to see you are so busy.
Can you not get tannalised timber? Or do you simply not trust it? Or is too expnsiv?!
Still feels like winter here. Haven't bothered to open the pool though the watter still gets filtered one hour a day.
Have yet to buy more firewood but expecting it to be quite a bit more expensive than last time.
Still the hens have a last started laying.
Roll on some warm weather, and the stopping of the rain!:):):)
We changed our log merchant 2yrs ago...ordered 1 ton he turned up with a huge pile in the truck I only wanted 1 ton it was 1 ton of perfectly seasoned oak cut to fit the stove lasted the whole winter and as wood burner has a flat top did most of our cooking on it never mind heating the whole house...he keeps it covered and dry unlike some here who water it before weighing it...cost was 160€...
Your suppliers WEIGH it!!!?????
We buy it by volume, thought that was the standard in most places, so getting on for €60 per stere (cubic metre) now. but seasoned hardwood. Only prob is that if you want it cut to half a metre you get less, (yep, i know it's bonkers and I can't remember why without googleing it!) so we get it cut to 1 metre and I cut it down to handleable sizes with a chainsaw.
Can you not get tannalised timber? Or do you simply not trust it? Or is too expnsiv?!

Nope have never seen any here.........yet ;), any new wood I put in gets a good spraying to help.

Still the hens have a last started laying.

That's good news, but then I guess they saw that they could be used for chicken salad if they didn't buck up their ideaso_O.

Always lots to do ere, never get bored:).
Will look at the pool next week maybe, cos it certainly isn't warm enough to use yet, but will need to prep a bit to get it clean and warm;).

Nope have never seen any here.........yet ;), any new wood I put in gets a good spraying to help.

That's good news, but then I guess they saw that they could be used for chicken salad if they didn't buck up their ideaso_O.

Always lots to do ere, never get bored:).
Will look at the pool next week maybe, cos it certainly isn't warm enough to use yet, but will need to prep a bit to get it clean and warm;).

We are going to get some of that bubble wrap type blanket to go on top of the pool water to help it warm up. But little point at the mo as the rainwater is just raining into it through the holes in the cover.
Our neighbours with their fancy slidy greenhouse cover thing have theirs at 25 degs, but then the cover cost nearly as much as the pool and bits of it have had to be replaced twice due to hail and the Vent d'Autan!

I bet there is somewhere that does tanalised but I bet it costs a ton more, and is obvs harder to find.

So far the hens are proving very friendly. If one escapes I only have to talk low and gentle to her while walking up slowly with my hands by my sides and she squats down until I pick her up.
Your suppliers WEIGH it!!!?????
We buy it by volume, thought that was the standard in most places, so getting on for €60 per stere (cubic metre) now. but seasoned hardwood. Only prob is that if you want it cut to half a metre you get less, (yep, i know it's bonkers and I can't remember why without googleing it!) so we get it cut to 1 metre and I cut it down to handleable sizes with a chainsaw.

We get ours by volume. Wt as @Shippers mentioned needs to be dry ;). I don't like it when ours comes with loads of "white wood" (i call it), but if it was Wt it wouldn't matter
We could buy 1m lengths uncut/unchopped did that for a few years but its a bloody major workout cutting and chopping 20 cubes. Some of the 1m lengths could come as 18"+dia:oops:, So we pay the extra to get them to cut and chop. Their labour is cheaper than mine;).

We get ours by volume. Wt as @Shippers mentioned needs to be dry ;). I don't like it when ours comes with loads of "white wood" (i call it), but if it was Wt it wouldn't matter
We could buy 1m lengths uncut/unchopped did that for a few years but its a bloody major workout cutting and chopping 20 cubes. Some of the 1m lengths could come as 18"+dia:oops:, So we pay the extra to get them to cut and chop. Their labour is cheaper than mine;).

Only burning less than a stere per year (we're only here April to September) the work cutting it up is minimal and they don't come thick round here. Dunno why.
But yes cutting up a 18" log would be like a yule log. :eek:

20 cubes a year at those prices? wow, that is a lot of dosh! :(
20 cubes a year at those prices? wow, that is a lot of dosh! :(

Look at some of the winter fuel bills posted by some from the uk :oops:. We only used 12-15 this year, but we need to make sure we are stocked for a bad year.

We always insulate as we get new rooms, have had the outside done too. But we are not a small house so we will live with the bill. At the end of the day its only 1 of 2 major costs we have, the second is the cars/bikes.

I could go into the forest and cut up "fallen" wood without any issue, And could probably get quite a bit that way, so maybe come the day I have run out of things to do I may;).

Look at some of the winter fuel bills posted by some from the uk :oops:. We only used 12-15 this year, but we need to make sure we are stocked for a bad year.

We always insulate as we get new rooms, have had the outside done too. But we are not a small house so we will live with the bill. At the end of the day its only 1 of 2 major costs we have, the second is the cars/bikes.

I could go into the forest and cut up "fallen" wood without any issue, And could probably get quite a bit that way, so maybe come the day I have run out of things to do I may;).

ooops I forgot you said you actually used less. :vb-groan2:

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