Top of the mornin te ya'll, got a call this morning from a mate who's working in another yard they have fingers in many pies
ground works, building houses, metal fabrication bla bla anyhoo my mate has set up a workshop wants me to come round
to see whats going on. I know whats coming id bet they want me to go n work with them, feck that puts me in a sh!te position
as ive committed to other things. :stars: Njoy yer fryday peeps :vb-banana:
Tis better to have too many offers of work than none at all.
Just saying.
Though I feel your pain, you don't want to jump out a happy frying pan into a dodgy fire.
How long do you think his new place is going to last? Do you trust him? What'll the money be like? What guaratee is there of him getting enough work in? etc etc. so many questions to ask yourself.
Best of luck with the decision!
Tis better to have too many offers of work than none at all.
Just saying.
Though I feel your pain, you don't want to jump out a happy frying pan into a dodgy fire.
How long do you think his new place is going to last? Do you trust him? What'll the money be like? What guaratee is there of him getting enough work in? etc etc. so many questions to ask yourself.
Best of luck with the decision!

Think I'll stay where I am atm winter aint that far away. ;)
Where's the Hawthorn tree in the pic?...
Afternoon folks :).

Cut some wood today, Had to get 4m lengths as need 2.1. Anyway the off cuts will be used in the "east wing" ceiling so not waste.
So 16 pieces cut then laid out and treated for water/mushroom/bugs spray, mixed twice as strong as recommended so hope it lasts, it wont touch the ground when in place so fingers crossed.

First 5 cube of firewood coming later today, Prices have gone up;) but they are cheaper this time of year cos nobody needs it, but they need to earn a living. M got 50lv(£20-25) discount cos he also knows we will want about 20 in total. Although last year we only used 12. but it wont go to waste;).

Nice day here to work outside and hope the grass is dry enough tomorrow to get a good mangling;).

Getting close to looking at the pool, as we are solar battery full by midday and not using what's available time to turn on the 1.5kw pump for 8hrs:).
Was even brave and lifted the lid on the hot tub today, water looks good but may change it this year and give it a good clean.

Lots to do, summers coming and our favorite eatery opens in a week:vb-banana::vb-banana:.


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