Messed about with some tubes today to see what the back-end tube arrangement will look like.
I am not too-sure the pieces at 45° will clear the chain that runs between the output from the IGH and the input to the 2WD unit.
I think I will stick with this arrangement and then mount the IGH on a frame under the diagonal tubes.
I think it will be OK and this triangular shape will provide a good platform for mounting things.

I had to stop because I am having a "painful" day today, and I don't know why. :(

Nice to see you in the garage, sorry to hear it's not a good day though :(
Looking very neat. Is that an old caravan chassis?

Yes, my old caravan, too good of a chassis to scrap and I had some old alloys in the shed which bolted straight on

number plate light?


Number plate light going on when I run the wires for the marker lamps, did forget it until I was screwing triangles on to be truthful:D
Messed about with some tubes today to see what the back-end tube arrangement will look like.
I am not too-sure the pieces at 45° will clear the chain that runs between the output from the IGH and the input to the 2WD unit.
I think I will stick with this arrangement and then mount the IGH on a frame under the diagonal tubes.
I think it will be OK and this triangular shape will provide a good platform for mounting things.

I had to stop because I am having a "painful" day today, and I don't know why. :(


Likey cause of yer work not the pain. :(
Well the testing of the new blade and belt on the big machine went brill, the blade isn't identical to the old one, but it is beefier and cuts much lower than the old one did, so that is a great plus. I also think it is pulling better too. So all in all a happy bunny!🐰🐰🐰
Hope you all had a good evening.
Have a nice day tomoz
Morning all going to be dry here today so must get the fallen dry stone wall rebuilt to stop the critters getting in and eating the veg still cold here for the time of year so we are still having a fire cut the walkways in the meadow yesterday so that's looking better. Always seam to be running out of time.talking of trailers here eny thing you tow must have a separate register so different number plates bit strange. Have a good day all.and keep your pecker up 🔷
Very sorry to hear this. 😢 W has been suffering badly with hers this last 12 months. So deeply sympathise.
She has never had it before. docs don't seem to be able to do much.:(
Any tips would be nice. ;)
and hope you get better soon.
Lots of sinus rinses. Steam helps I have a humidifier on alot.

Turns out the sinus stuff turned into a raging chest infection.

Usual doctors speech of it's just a virus etc. Yet when I told them all the symptoms managed to get on anti biotics and what would you know I'm feeling a bit better.

Chest is ropey as hell. Resting alot and voice sound like I smoke 60 marlboro red.

Since COVID my immune system seems to be shot to bits.
Morning all going to be dry here today so must get the fallen dry stone wall rebuilt to stop the critters getting in and eating the veg still cold here for the time of year so we are still having a fire cut the walkways in the meadow yesterday so that's looking better. Always seam to be running out of time.talking of trailers here eny thing you tow must have a separate register so different number plates bit strange. Have a good day all.and keep your pecker up 🔷
Re the trailer, same over ere too ditto carryvans!
Weird they don't need an MOT, some flipping should have one! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Lots of sinus rinses. Steam helps I have a humidifier on alot.

Turns out the sinus stuff turned into a raging chest infection.

Usual doctors speech of it's just a virus etc. Yet when I told them all the symptoms managed to get on anti biotics and what would you know I'm feeling a bit better.

Chest is ropey as hell. Resting alot and voice sound like I smoke 60 marlboro red.

Since COVID my immune system seems to be shot to bits.
Thanks very much for this.
would you mind awfully telling us what a sinus rinse is and if there are lots, what version you find best.
Thanks hugely, on behalf of Wifey and myself.:):):)

Re the covid and immune system. This is ever so sad. but we understand, and sympathise muchly, as our daughter has such awful long Covid she is now registered disabled, PIP the lot. Mind you her immune system wasn't too hot to begin with as she only has a tiny bit of her spleen left. 😢😢😢😢
Thanks very much for this.
would you mind awfully telling us what a sinus rinse is and if there are lots, what version you find best.
Thanks hugely, on behalf of Wifey and myself.:):):)

Re the covid and immune system. This is ever so sad. but we understand, and sympathise muchly, as our daughter has such awful long Covid she is now registered disabled, PIP the lot. Mind you her immune system wasn't too hot to begin with as she only has a tiny bit of her spleen left. 😢😢😢😢
Hard to like this. I use salt rinse sprays
Then Neil med rinses

These help alot but sometimes it's just not enough.

I hope I don't have long COVID but it's a possibility.

Vicks do a humidifier which is good but you can get cheap humidifiers that I put olbas oil in and it really helps.

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