Today I is thoroughly naffed off!!!

That bog that leaked due to needing a new seal.
And that I fixed on Monday.
worked fine
Until during last night.
When I came down to let the dogs out there was a curious snoring sound coming from it.
I walked in on barefeet and got them wet.
"Great, I have fitted my noo isolation valve!" sez I
So I turns the watter off and flushes the rest away.
Feels around under the cistern and it seems to be leaking on the right hand side where one of the two securing bolts is. I give it a tentative turn and it moves so I tighten it up.
Goes back to kip.
W informs me that just after she went to bed last night she got the runs so had to run to the upstairs loo. Still not well so staying in bed, so I got up late went downstairs to start the clear up and have some brekker. Looks in the loo in the light...

The cistern is cracked across the front, and up from that crack to the very top of the cistern!

As if someone had hit in with a flipping big nammer.
I took that blasted thing off so carefully, carried it like a baby and laid it carefully down on a towel on a wooden table to work on it too. Fixed it all then put it back just the same way. It lasted 4 1/2 days for heaven's sake!!!
Next problem will be replacing a B&Q cistern over here in Frog land. Even the cheapest B&Q ones have the inlet on the bottom. Only expensive ones over here do that.
I have yet to pluck up the courage to find something on line here. For the moment the one from the guest bathroom will have to be swopped over. But we do have guests coming later, more than usual too this year.

And I WISH the smilies panel would stay up until I have finished the post!
Anyway, hope you all have abetter day than I am having.