I wholeheartedly sympathise Brian. I know what you mean. Stuff I used to take in my stride and do so easily now takes forever (that's if I can do it at all!).
I do hope your recovery continues and you have further improvements. Take care of yourself.
I find that my other half fusses round me like a mother hen trying to discourage me from even trying to do stuff, when I am raging that I need to be able to do what I have always been able to do.
Its no fun sometimes, but, we are all still here! That's the main thing. :D
Cheers Dan, the other half does most of the work these days and I just supervise :(
Talking of dead plants.:(
Yessdi a.m. W flew into a rage as she looked out of the windy, without her glasses on, and "saw" that "all or almost" her fruit trees had died. She raged against the universe, including me (?), and said it was the last straw and we'd be selling up etc etc etc.:rolleyes:
So I made her put shoes on and come outside, then walked through the whole orchard pointing out that all the trees that had been alive last year were still alive and showing little leaves or buds or both.;)

Am I alllowed to say FFS on ere?:mad::mad::mad::mad:

We are at 600 metres for heaven's sake. Last year there was snow on the ground.:rolleyes:

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