Not loads visible but Yes they are hiding. M thinks 1 is too many:eek:. Mostly not gonna kill us but that's not the point for M.

The last 1 I put in the fire drum in a few pieces Cats or birds, I don't know. But as far as M goes its another dead 1:D.


They say here to burn a old tyer apparently thay don't like it I'm ok with the andlution Gray as thay are constricters and don't bite but are about 5ft long But the viper can be nasty if disturb
Garden looking betterer
A word of warning, never buy a green hose pipe !!

I have one on a reel at the back of the house, decided to use it today to flush the front gutters after clearing them out.

First I made sure my route from back to front was clear of obstacles and then started to tow the hose around the side of the house, said green hose managed to grab a brush standing against the wall and flip it knocking a tin of paint off the shelf in my lean to.

Hose then jammed around the brush so I set off back to untangle it. Hose managed to wrap around my foot sending me full length of the house at 45 degrees and in three strides.

Eventually I got set up and went up the ladder making sure I had plenty of hose free for the job, Two thirds the way up the ladder said green hose wrapped itself around the stake for my sunflower and abruptly the job stopped. Down the ladder again to free the bloody thing off !

Anyway, long story short, gutter all clear and after several mishaps reeling the hose back in I’m now sitting having a brew, one of those days :rolleyes:
Are you sure your name isn't Buster Keaton?!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
Did you not pitch your tent in the garden like the rest of us on Friday night??
Parking was tight.. some one has a camper van on the drive.
The neighbours were irate but the wine helped them forget the noise
Only one set of neighbours would have got irate, tothers would all have joined in although some would have benn needing to to be shown how to use a corkscrew as they is only used to screw top stuff!!!;)
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Afternoon folks:).

Hope those that have, haven't eaten too many chocolate eggs, think of your waist line guys & girls:D.

So done 6 more mini piles today only a gizzion left or so it feels;). probably only 12-15 then a big slab for the steps. then its wood butcher time to cover up the fact that they may all not be in line and square;).

M had a bad day though the ATM ate the card:mad: 1 was empty so she used the 1 that she said she would not use cos it only pokes out the smallest bit of card to get hold of and yet still seems to hold it with vice grips so that 1 is gone:oops:. Still on the up side it was her friends card to get money for the work, downside, M drew money from our account (different machine) to cover the monies needed:eek:.
Will need to keep quiet about the stashed slush fund otherwise the beer allowance could be in trouble:D.

I will let the girls sort it and just do as I am told and dig more oles;).

Oooops! hope it all gets sorted out!!


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