About 48,000 posts ago me and Stanley was talking about endoscopes. Eye has bort several over the years and they have all been a lot of j**p. They use yer fone to display what the small camera is looking at. None of the fone apps work well. They all have iffy bits about how they wuk. Like always going to full screen so yer cant see the camera menu options. So eye gave up wiv em all.

Eye has just gottid me paws on this one ere;


Origionally fort it was the DS520 version but they leave the number oft. Eye gottid the DS300. It has one camera and the cable is permanently fixed to the screen. Kin brilliant it is. Eye dint buy it as eye hate the tax dodging ammerzuns. It were 52 sovs + post.

Simular to thissun.

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You re@lly dont w@nt to be drilling yer noo tr@iler do you. :eek::eek: bummer if you h@ve too. :(
In the end I was able to take one of the trailer's bolts off, enlarge one of the holes on the mounting plate then put it back on with a slightly longer bolt, then I drilled one 9mm hole to take the other bolt which the trailer guys say is all it needs. Just watch the manufacturer say I have now nullified the structural guarantee.:rolleyes:
Still it is on and I have been able to get on with more worktop bashing.
At least it stayed dry more or less.
Water companies in the uk demand fings break up as soon as yer purrit in water. Like bog roll breaking up. Anyfink that dunt break up like this they dunt want flushed.
It was difficult. His wife had just died and been cremated. I offered him a holiday in our place as I was just about to leave for the summer, I had a cabin all sorted etc, all he had to do was pack and pay a foot passenger ticket. He could fly back to Bournemouth from Carcassonne. He was an ex-colleague who had been bullied out of his job because he was a/ the NUT rep and b/ Head of Economics, the head's own subject and he always got much better results than the head despite him throwing money at resources. He closed the department and gave him £20K to shut up and bog off. We used to play bridge every lunchtime
He had had TB a while back and one of the after effects was having a "difficult" bum and the need for wetwipes rather than ornery bog roll. I asked him if they were flushable, and reminded him we had a septic tank, he just said don't worry they are biodegradable.
No way I was going to push it, I had no real reason to think he wasn't right about it and I am pretty sure he honestly thought they were OK.
Abpit 48,000 posts ago me and Stanley was talking about endoscopes. Eye has bort several over the years and they have all been a lot of j**p. They use yer fone to display what the small camera is looking at. None of the fone apps work well. They all have iffy bits about how they wuk. Like always going to full screen so yer cant see the camera menu options. So eye gave up wiv em all.

Eye has just gottid me paws on this one ere;


Origionally fort it was the DS520 version but they leave the number oft. Eye gottid the DS300. It has one camera and the cable is permanently fixed to the screen. Kin brilliant it is. Eye dint buy it as eye hate the tax dodging ammerzuns. It were 52 sovs + post.

Simular to thissun.

Thanks for this, I'll just have to click on it then bookmark it to find it again, I hope!:):):)
Abpit 48,000 posts ago me and Stanley was talking about endoscopes. Eye has bort several over the years and they have all been a lot of j**p. They use yer fone to display what the small camera is looking at. None of the fone apps work well. They all have iffy bits about how they wuk. Like always going to full screen so yer cant see the camera menu options. So eye gave up wiv em all.

Eye has just gottid me paws on this one ere;


Origionally fort it was the DS520 version but they leave the number oft. Eye gottid the DS300. It has one camera and the cable is permanently fixed to the screen. Kin brilliant it is. Eye dint buy it as eye hate the tax dodging ammerzuns. It were 52 sovs + post.

Simular to thissun.

Looks superb the pic is much better th@n the sn@p on one i borrowed n th@t w@s @ fortune
fink I'll get one of the 52 squid ones. :cool::D
About 48,000 posts ago me and Stanley was talking about endoscopes. Eye has bort several over the years and they have all been a lot of j**p. They use yer fone to display what the small camera is looking at. None of the fone apps work well. They all have iffy bits about how they wuk. Like always going to full screen so yer cant see the camera menu options. So eye gave up wiv em all.

Eye has just gottid me paws on this one ere;


Origionally fort it was the DS520 version but they leave the number oft. Eye gottid the DS300. It has one camera and the cable is permanently fixed to the screen. Kin brilliant it is. Eye dint buy it as eye hate the tax dodging ammerzuns. It were 52 sovs + post.

Simular to thissun.

Eye fergottid to tell yer the camera cable is the stiff type yer bend and it stays put. Led's on the camera stay on all the time when yer power it up. It came wiv a memory card. Yer can record 108o or 720p video. Aint looked at it yet. It will also take pic's anorl. All stored to the removable memory card.

My one is the DS300 that has the fixed camera cable. Some have a removable cable. Seems well built. Built in battery. Charges oft a usb cable they supply.

Other models have one or two side camera's anorl but they cost more sovs.
At last a land rover vivvoot rust.

Here's the same vehicle, ready for its first MOT :D
About 48,000 posts ago me and Stanley was talking about endoscopes. Eye has bort several over the years and they have all been a lot of j**p. They use yer fone to display what the small camera is looking at. None of the fone apps work well. They all have iffy bits about how they wuk. Like always going to full screen so yer cant see the camera menu options. So eye gave up wiv em all.

Eye has just gottid me paws on this one ere;


Origionally fort it was the DS520 version but they leave the number oft. Eye gottid the DS300. It has one camera and the cable is permanently fixed to the screen. Kin brilliant it is. Eye dint buy it as eye hate the tax dodging ammerzuns. It were 52 sovs + post.

Simular to thissun.

So you will be able to do colonoscopy's now then. :)

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