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Like these:D

...Ohhh.... an amusing(?) anecdote.
Wife visits her Mum at least 3 times a week to do her shopping (x2) and to give the place a tidy up/clean.
The old Gal (93+) is losing all her senses (can't see the dirt on the floors kitchen surfaces and can't smell the wee smell all over the house) etc.
So, the old gal tells the wife that her cousin Bobby wants to visit the UK and she must clear a bedroom out for him (the place is a freaking tip).
No says my wife, he's going to stay with us and visit all the relatives. Then there is a discussion about all the cousins family members etc. that he will want to see.
Then the old gal pipes up with "I had 3 babies; Lesley's dead, Rick visits me on Sundays, who was the other one?"
Stunned silence followed by......"Well, that would be me Mum."
I kid you not. Wifey is a little bit upset that she figures so little in her Mothers thinking.
Make yerself a template oot of scrap wood first. When its ok copy it to the new wuk top.
I have done this with the old worktop, tis a bit more realistic. You'd think I'd just be able to copy it as it was as it was there in the fust place, but no, it has to slide in and that was where the problems started due to the angles on the window wall being smaller than 90 degs.
But sorted now. Using the thickness of the tiles away from the wall to allow me to insert it slightly undersize, one end will then go in right to the wall at the visible left hand end and the other will be spaced slightly away but invisible as it'll just be under the tiles. Silicon sealer will be applied as it always would be!
Sound simple but what with wavy walls and no two angles the same it was more difficult than it should have been. ;)
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...Ohhh.... an amusing(?) anecdote.
Wife visits her Mum at least 3 times a week to do her shopping (x2) and to give the place a tidy up/clean.
The old Gal (93+) is losing all her senses (can't see the dirt on the floors kitchen surfaces and can't smell the wee smell all over the house) etc.
So, the old gal tells the wife that her cousin Bobby wants to visit the UK and she must clear a bedroom out for him (the place is a freaking tip).
No says my wife, he's going to stay with us and visit all the relatives. Then there is a discussion about all the cousins family members etc. that he will want to see.
Then the old gal pipes up with "I had 3 babies; Lesley's dead, Rick visits me on Sundays, who was the other one?"
Stunned silence followed by......"Well, that would be me Mum."
I kid you not. Wifey is a little bit upset that she figures so little in her Mothers thinking.
Only liked it cos it's the roolz.
W's mother kept calling her i.e W's daughter by W's name and asking "Who are you?" all the time. Admittedly dottir does look a lot like she used to look. It'll come to a lot of us in the end!:(:(:(
Had to take pics and measurement to send to Towsure as the fitting of the plate on the trailer chassis is not proving as easy as they imply it would be. Also they don't give any "wiggle room" in the dimensions for fitting position. Don't want to have to start taking the chassis and fittings apart then drilling through galvy just to fit it but I think I'm gonna have to. Or redrill the plate.:rolleyes:
One flipping big bolt is right in the way. I think I'll end up taking it out and using it to clamp the plate on, as well as a couple of other smaller bolts.
It was sunny when I started, it has now clouded over and by the time they get back to me it'll have started raining no doubt.

(Think I am getting older and tetchier, this wouldn't have bothered me as much a few years ago, although I am very busy with other stuff before we go away and I could do without the extra hassle.);):(
Then the old gal pipes up with "I had 3 babies; Lesley's dead, Rick visits me on Sundays, who was the other one?"
Stunned silence followed by......"Well, that would be me Mum."
I kid you not. Wifey is a little bit upset that she figures so little in her Mothers thinking.

I fully understand how your good lady feels. Unfortunately this is what happens when the mind has 'reached its sell-by date' and I experienced the full force of my dear mum's decline.

My sister lived less than half a mile from our mum and to my knowledge never once visited her - her young daughter went there every weekend and for every school holiday to be cared for 'cos my sister was working - nursing sister. I lived many miles away (250 mile round trip) but both Bernard and I visited every alternate Saturday for the whole time she lived there (10 years) me to take her to collect her pension and then to take her (and her grand daughter) shopping in Worcester, Bernard to do her garden.

In her later years she was getting very confused but still wanted to go to town, probably because this was the only time she had any visitors or got out of her home; she liked to visit the normal shops but rarely bought much unless her grand daughter 'pressed' her into buying things for her. A couple of years before the end she wanted to do some Christmas shopping 'cos she hadn't yet bought anything for my sister. ( Christmas was still a month away). She had her mind fixed on getting a travel clock, not any clock but an expensive one 'cos my sister wouldn't like it unless it was best quality ( she still remembered this). We marched into every jeweller etc. we could find until she found one which she thought would suit, we purchased it and then drove back to her home.

Two weeks later, my last visit before Christmas (she wouldn't leave her home to come back with us for Christmas and this I respected), the normal routine was followed and she was keen to show me that he had wrapped up all the Christmas presents for my sister and her grand daughter. I took her to town to make sure she had food to last over the holiday and anything else she might like/need. She was happy when we left and conveyed her usual gratitude for everything we had done for her, we left and drove back home. Our Christmas gifts - there were none. I did feel hurt but then realised just how much her mind had gone. All her mind could focus on was making sure she didn't upset my (very difficult) sister who she had not even seen for 10 years! Before she had mentally deteriorated she had said to me "I've a good mind to put names underneath all my things so they go to the right people." I laughed and just said that she would be wasting her time as my sister would just clear the house out and take everything. How correct I was!
Lovely evening here @p@rt for me being in the dog hoose c@use I went out to get the digger
n didnt come b@ck, id forgotten wh@t time it w@s m@le dog got dressed l@st week so h@d
to get his stiches oot, then misses h@d @ h@ir dressing @ppointment. Still got there in time
but only c@use she c@lled me to come b@ck. oooppps :oops:
Had to take pics and measurement to send to Towsure as the fitting of the plate on the trailer chassis is not proving as easy as they imply it would be. Also they don't give any "wiggle room" in the dimensions for fitting position. Don't want to have to start taking the chassis and fittings apart then drilling through galvy just to fit it but I think I'm gonna have to. Or redrill the plate.:rolleyes:
One flipping big bolt is right in the way. I think I'll end up taking it out and using it to clamp the plate on, as well as a couple of other smaller bolts.
It was sunny when I started, it has now clouded over and by the time they get back to me it'll have started raining no doubt.

(Think I am getting older and tetchier, this wouldn't have bothered me as much a few years ago, although I am very busy with other stuff before we go away and I could do without the extra hassle.);):(

You re@lly dont w@nt to be drilling yer noo tr@iler do you. :eek::eek: bummer if you h@ve too. :(
Trubble is so many wipes are marketed as flushable. A friend came to stay in France and assured us that the wipes he had to use were flushable.
After he left, he left a pack behind, I put one in a bucket and left it in there for a month.
No change.:(:(:(
He was there 10 days.
Do not fancy going through the septic tank!:(:(:(
At least it still works. ;)
Water companies in the uk demand fings break up as soon as yer purrit in water. Like bog roll breaking up. Anyfink that dunt break up like this they dunt want flushed.
Bin to sainsberrys tonight. Gottid me tomatoes. First time in a month they had them. Legs of sheep be arf price. Eye gottid 2. Already gottid one int freezer which we will have at the weekend. Cooked in me slow cookerer. Cut the end oft because its too long. Drop it in and cook onnits own. It will foor oot int fridge over nite first.

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