Managed to squash my right index finger nail bed today in a toggle press :(

Stupid really, I was tired and not concentrating ... a fateful combo ...
Ouch rest it and strap it.
Glad to hear it hasn't gone too bad although not perfick. I hope you keep yourself calm and quiet, without getting too bored. all my commiserations mate and fingers and toes firmly crossed for the results. ;););)
I'll teach him knitting ;)
Hey up you lot, im b@ck in my own bed :) H@rdly @ny sleep in the hospit@l with the poor souls
in there :(:(
Im mighty sore :( @n not to be doing @nyfink @s if i would o_O
h@d to go to the docs @s the wound h@d @ little bleed, b@ck @g@in tomorrow for @
re check. Might t@ke me @ while to c@tch up but since ive got no where to go I m@y
become @ pest. :p:D

Hope everyone is well. :):)

Wait till the itching starts well done

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