This is true. I went the new wardrobe route as I am too lazy :p
I wonder if I still would have the motivation to make built in ones. I always used to love maximising the space shelves etc.
If we ever want to give a female visitor an orgasm, we show her the walk-in wardrobe in our French place!
Never fails!!! Took me flipping ages to maximise the storage space though. and I made a bit of a boo-boo at the beginning so had to go backwards th then go forwards. Shirts and stuff hang lower than you'd think off an 'anger! But now all hanging rails have shelves over them. Etc, etc.

Anyone else discovered that Parkinson has a new law? "Ladies' clothes expand to take up wardrobe space available!":D:D:D:D
Hey up you lot, im b@ck in my own bed :) H@rdly @ny sleep in the hospit@l with the poor souls
in there :(:(
Im mighty sore :( @n not to be doing @nyfink @s if i would o_O
h@d to go to the docs @s the wound h@d @ little bleed, b@ck @g@in tomorrow for @
re check. Might t@ke me @ while to c@tch up but since ive got no where to go I m@y
become @ pest. :p:D

Hope everyone is well. :):)
Glad to hear it hasn't gone too bad although not perfick. I hope you keep yourself calm and quiet, without getting too bored. all my commiserations mate and fingers and toes firmly crossed for the results. ;););)

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