There's always something!
Just got home living room was toasty!! Checked hearing settings, set to overnight low. Pump going and radiator hot!
Double checked trv set to low. Took it off and the plunger valve is seized. Hit it to un stick it, water starts peeing everywhere!!
Stem the flow and pull the plug on the heating controls.
Think I've stopped the water leak, had to reset the controls to stop it coming on again.
Think i can go to bed now
There's always something!
Just got home living room was toasty!! Checked hearing settings, set to overnight low. Pump going and radiator hot!
Double checked trv set to low. Took it off and the plunger valve is seized. Hit it to un stick it, water starts peeing everywhere!!
Stem the flow and pull the plug on the heating controls.
Think I've stopped the water leak, had to reset the controls to stop it coming on again.
Think i can go to bed now
So one fits TRVs thinking one is doing the right thing and then they f*** up.:rolleyes:
Not funny.:(:(:(
Right then friends im going in for @n opp on thursd@y morning suspected tumour on my left
testicle :( been for ultr@sound sc@n on frid@y c@use its been swollen for weeks, been
on @ntibioticts for 2 weeks @s they s@id it looks like @ re@lly b@d infection but will t@ke
3 months before it would st@rt to go b@ck to norm@l. The only w@y to confirm is under @
microscope. I left the hospit@l on frid@y 10 mins l@ter I got @ c@ll to go to the speci@list
first thing s@t morning, now h@d @ c@ll from the top ch@p @t the hossy, so im h@ving my
left nut removed @n @ mot on thursd@y, including @ full body sc@n wh@t ever th@t is.
plus @ he@rt tr@cer thingy.

Can't lick that. Hope the op goes well and sorts it out.
Morning All. :D
Unwelcome surprise first thing. :(
Scratchy cat has used her dirt-tray in the utility room, then run from that to her basket on the landing and finished off the pooh and emptied her bladder in the basket.
Flooring is now "blown", big clean-up job. :mad:
I try to think of it as she's like an elderly lady with dementia and how would I react to that unfortunate scenario?
But, it does try my patience very much. :(
Have a good day. :D
Never had one seize completely solid before. It moved on the olive when i hit it, can't have been on right to start with!! Need to get a new one tomorrow
It's an odd system, each downstairs radiator has its own drain tap so i can drain just one
Ours do too for the simple reason that all the pipes for it run on the first floor, then down inside the walls, the ground floor being concrete!
So that is the only way to drain the whole system.
Could it be that yours is like that?
No downstairs pipes to our rads come out of the floor.;)
....that the replacement rear light pod arrived.
Absolutely pristine!
May put it on today if ICBA.
Now I'll get ontot he same scrappy to see if he has got another bit I need.
W and I doing paperwork, anything to avoid paint masochism!;)
Meanwhile, on the no roughage etc diet for Friday's colostomy. :rolleyes:
So life is a bowl of cherries! (Well obvs not!)
Have a nice day folks!

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