I most certainly will keep you all bored rigid apprised of how it pans out.
My Chiro too is cautious about it, he advises that it would be foolish to go charging in like a bull in a china shop.
He expects to be adding this "traction" element to his practice as a monitored "therapy" procedure.
But, he knows I am not entirely stupid and that I understand what is involved.
All he said to me was I'm not recommending it to you, as I don't want the responsibility, but I would say to you it does wonders for me with my neck issue.
Who remembers those circus acrobat wimmins who used to get themselves suspended by their long locks, usually blonde, and then would spin around hanging from them?
So it must be possible.
again, all the best wiv it, mate!!:):):)
Saw the Chiro this morning and he has certainly given C5/6 a ruddy good crick-crack.
We also discussed the advisability of traction for the neck and "neck muscle strengthening" exercises.
He showed me the traction thing he uses himself for his own neck (damaged in a rugby game at Uni), I have bought one too.
Hoping to improve the joint separation. :)
View attachment 284195
Looks like it'll pull your head off. Or tear the door off its hinges :D
Saw the Chiro this morning and he has certainly given C5/6 a ruddy good crick-crack.
We also discussed the advisability of traction for the neck and "neck muscle strengthening" exercises.
He showed me the traction thing he uses himself for his own neck (damaged in a rugby game at Uni), I have bought one too.
Hoping to improve the joint separation. :)
View attachment 284195

yer th@ts @ tr@ction thing @ll right, is kurt meeting you there :eek: :D
Well I could BA in the end. Managed to wash and rinse the half of the room I am going to paint before I finish it.
Lots of moving around of white goods and sweeping up. Right pain in such a confined space.
Still I have a plan. little bit more filling then onwards and upwards. :):)
Light snow flurry 'ere at the moment, was raining earlier on and it is going to be sunny in the near future. Well, that's what 'they' are telling us.
I 'ope it clears up by the end of next week 'cos I'm going off for a little 'oliday then. :)
It's fryday so work 'ard and enjoy it. :D:D:D

They're right! The sun is beating down on us!!:D
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