Spottid a strange fing this morning. One of me pots has had soil flicked oot ovvit. On closer look there was somefink strange buried innit. Foxes normally check me pots so eye assume it's them. These pots had unyuns in them but they is all gone. Dug in to see worrit was and somefink has hidden what eye fink is the end piece of a hollowed oot solid loaf ov bread. Eye has put it in me garden bin.
There's a nice series in the new Boden postal flyer... and some uvver fings..
Jus sayin :)
Bit annoyed with myself.
Having picked up the second two pairs of wuk troos yessdi, went to try em on today, mystified, they won't fasten at all. W looked at me, I looked at myself, I said "I'm not taking them back, I can't be 38, this is too embarassing, let's see how you'd put a gusset in.....etc, etc."
We looked at the label.
I had managed to accidentally order 32 waisrt 32 leg.
I really am getting senile. Must have seen 32 thort "leg" (as I had put 36 waist into the filters thing) and just gone with it.
Still, as I could nearly fasten them, (they have slightly elasitcated wasit as well as belt loops) I've ordered a pair of 34s and a pair of 36s to see which will be best.
I feel I am shopping like a chav!:(
Time might be to allow for starting the job, seeing what is needed, getting those parts delivered, and then finishing the job. Being rural it is not uncommon for even the simplest jobs taking 2 days because of limited parts deliveries.
I downloaded a big ALKO document last night.
Very illuminating. Told me things I never knew.
Like it isn't clever on long down hill sections to use engine braking. Apparently it leaves the trailer brakes on for too long at a time.
Peeps like @Hicap phill prolly already know this but I didn't.:(
Wonder if it is in the new "Carvan driving test"?
Driving an auto I would prolly not do it anyway, but it made me think, what did I do back in the days towing with the 300tdi? Anyway, the brakes in that trailer don't seem to have suffered. ;)
Also told me that if I have the AAA brakes, which I prolly do have, there is little point in getting it serviced for another 500 miles or so.
And at least with this knowledge I'll be able to check and see.
So when coming down the Massif Central I'll make sure I come on and off the brakes, though TBH I'm pretty sure I already do!;)
Having finished a bit of grouting, then had a spot of lunch was going to go into town to book a doc's appt.
But as it would mean getting changed etc I thought, "Ok, let's just give em a ring, they may not be too busy to answer the phone."
Good thing I flipping did.
"Surgery closed today for staff training"
I really, really, really must change surgeries.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Spottid a strange fing this morning. One of me pots has had soil flicked oot ovvit. On closer look there was somefink strange buried innit. Foxes normally check me pots so eye assume it's them. These pots had unyuns in them but they is all gone. Dug in to see worrit was and somefink has hidden what eye fink is the end piece of a hollowed oot solid loaf ov bread. Eye has put it in me garden bin.
Squiggle maybe?
I downloaded a big ALKO document last night.
Very illuminating. Told me things I never knew.
Like it isn't clever on long down hill sections to use engine braking. Apparently it leaves the trailer brakes on for too long at a time.
I don't get the braking thing. My trailer brakes only engage on sudden deceleration. If I use the engine on a down hill section they won't engage any more than if I feather the brakes.
They only engage when I hit the brakes with some force. Are yours coupled or electric like they use in the USA?
Cheers Stan, it is only for work as we have three buildings and I cannot walk far enough to traverse between them. I am ok at home as the bungalow is tiny :D
Good to hear this.
It is much the same as my bruv.
W only needs it for walking a bit beyond 200 yards. So she can get around even in Frogland. And go further if she isn't blocking walkways etc and can take her time. But stairs are not good for her. She allows the dogs to pull her up the hill ouside our place in France. ;)
I don't get the braking thing. My trailer brakes only engage on sudden deceleration. If I use the engine on a down hill section they won't engage any more than if I feather the brakes.
They only engage when I hit the brakes with some force. Are yours coupled or electric like they use in the USA?
Ours engage gently when I brake, going down hill, if they didn't then the Disco's brakes would have to cope with the Disco's weight and the 3.5 towed weight. It is obvious as you drive cos the braking effort at the pedal is no more than if I wasn't towing.

POS Designation Description
1 Towing device Connection to the towing vehicle. May be coupling
head, anti-sway protective coupling, or in the
commercial field even drawbar eyes.
2 Handbrake lever The handbrake or the parking brake blocks the
drum brake and prevents the trailer from rolling
3 Bearing cartridge Can be made of one cast part or two bearing
parts and leads to the drawbar tube being as
frictionless as possible.
4 Drawbar tube The drawbar tube is actually a pressure pipe,
which is decelerated by the overrun damper and
transfers the overrun pressure to the relay lever.
The straight and low friction guiding is particularly
important, as the braking energy is not lost during
the overrun procedure.
5 Relay lever It converts compression force to tension force.
Depending on the brake size, the lever is longer
or shorter and can be adjusted by a universal
6 Gas springs / overrun dampers The gas springs decelerate the overrun movement
to initiate braking in a more comfortable and
controlled manner. If this is defective, the drawbar
tube can overrun instantaneously. The driver
will feel a hard impact on the towbar connection.
Braking does then not take place evenly but in an
abrupt and too heavy manner.
7 Brake rod Transfers the tensile force to the compensation
profile The brake rod can also be adjusted.

Frequent, sudden or strong braking results in excessive wear. Even gentle downhill braking or driving
with the engine brake results in the overrun brake being permanently activated. Even the distance
profile, frequent driving, has an influence here: driving around mountains causes increased wear, while
driving on the motorway has less wear.

Maybe this makes more sense.
Maybe I am more aware of it as we have to drive up and down a very steep mountain road, 360 metres difference in altitude in 10 minutes, just to get to the nearest town.
But yes, off the steep roads it doesn't come on unless I have to hammer them. Which I avoid like mad as lock up on a big trailer is not funny at all. At least the gas springs stop this happening. I've only ever had one wheel lock up once on the torher trailer and never on this one, yet!

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