One TomTom updated, tother being done, (I think:rolleyes::confused:)
Got a date to get the noo trailer "serviced".

Blokey reckons it'll take "3 to 4 hours":rolleyes:. To service a TRAILER!!!!????:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

What not ring up another dealer & ask what’s involved in a service;)

normally drums off & shoes checked etc but as it’s a new trailer …..
Mark wheel nut locations & Aldo on the heads put numbers you can then tell if the wheel has been removed not just torqued up.

I remember ifor Williams trailer full service was 2hrs but it was on a special made horse box which they had not seen before so they were all on training

Time might be to allow for starting the job, seeing what is needed, getting those parts delivered, and then finishing the job. Being rural it is not uncommon for even the simplest jobs taking 2 days because of limited parts deliveries.
..that today has been OK-ish. :)
I still have neck pain and some sharp back of head "twinges" when I do certain head movements, but overall its pretty good. :)
I tried to do some workshop stuff today but my weldability has deserted me so I gave up. :(
Her indoors isn't too clever today and is suffering from a bruised foot (NOT where she kicked me, I hasten to add). She turned her foot the other day and it went all dark coloured and bruised/black.
It is a scary thing to realise that you really are becoming fragile and are no longer young enough to shrug the simple things off. :(
Christ...we will both be 70 in 22 months time. :eek:
Sympathies mate, to both of you. :(:(
24 months in my case but still feel your pain!:(:(
What not ring up another dealer & ask what’s involved in a service;)

normally drums off & shoes checked etc but as it’s a new trailer …..
Mark wheel nut locations & Aldo on the heads put numbers you can then tell if the wheel has been removed not just torqued up.

I remember ifor Williams trailer full service was 2hrs but it was on a special made horse box which they had not seen before so they were all on training
Cheers mate.
2 hrs sounds like a max for me as is it a car trailer, so nothing to see above the platform.
I'll have to Google the "Aldo" but I have taken on board what you said. i'm only used to indespension which R a piece of pistachio to set up.
Time might be to allow for starting the job, seeing what is needed, getting those parts delivered, and then finishing the job. Being rural it is not uncommon for even the simplest jobs taking 2 days because of limited parts deliveries.
Fur enuff!
Except it is a trailer that has done precisely 3 journeys, from the dealer to our place in Ferndown, from there to our place in Frogland, then from there back here. So I doubt it will need parts at all. About 1200 miles max. All I think it needs is the brakes adjusting as the shoes will have bedded in.
But I'll be getting on to other trailer servicing peeps to see what they think. Or indeed offer. :):)
Ta mate :):)
Over what period of time ?
That's what we need to know :)
Edgar's an eggspurt on battree's.

A 100Ah lead acid battery in good health and fully charged will supply 1 amp fer 100 hours, or close to it. It will also supply 2amp for 50 hours or close too it. 10amps for 10 hours in theory but wouldn't suprise me iffit was flat after 8 hours. Reason being its a high current to draw. As the current increases, yer lose battery capacity beyond what yer getting oot as usable power. 100amp fer 1 hour aint going to happen. Eye aint ever sucked a high current like that oot of a battery fer long but dunt fink it would last many minutes. It will also be way above what the battery manufacturer will allow. And stress the battery to the extent it will shorten its life.

The current yer inverter needs to draw fer what yer doing is quite high. Too high fer a battery. Yer would be betterer wivva generator to run high current loads like inductive devices such as lectric motors and hair dryers. Tratterers often pick on Freelander owners fer attaching hair dryers and curling tongs to our 12v towing lectrics but thats because they is fikko's. Current demand is too high. But they dunt know that.

A small quiet petrol generator would be the betterer option. Inverters are ok but yer have to over spec them. As said above manufacturers should supply 2 load values. Continuous and spike. It wouldn't surprise me iffa 1000w inverter was only good fer 600w on continuous load. Perhaps 800w max but needs to be in a cool location to dissipate heat, and not fer long. Thats if its a pukka device bought from a shop. Lectic items on ebay are often dodgy. Factry rejects, cheap import etc. If they comply with CE marking etc its usually self certificated and a load of bs. They wunt comply to basic fings like the low voltage directive. Eye is always careful when buying lectrical items online.

Inverters are good fer running lower power items like laptops and fridges. Fer high current a generator is betterer. The peak short term power output of an inverter may be 1000w but not fer a long period of time. It will need max heat dissipation anorl. So not really usable. Probably not possible wivvoot blowing it up. Circuit may not be able to take it and/or may not be able to physically dissapate the heat generated.

Eye hassa 1200kg pallet ov batteries in the way at wuk. 3300Ah at 12v. That should keep yer going. Pm yer address. Swop yer fer some tomartos.
Flippin nightmare trying to get information on an inverter for my van
One person gave what seemed like good advice until I questioned him and found that he didn't have an inverter nor did he have a camper van ffs
Can read all about the problem on tinternet but need someone who has experience with a 2000w inverter
Is it enough, will it drain leisure battery too quick
What can I use with it, microwave, kettle, etc etc ??
I don't go off grid so can't offer any advice for you BUT it does seem that motorhomer owners who do go off grid and want to use high power items seem to use Power Banks.

The following links might be useful reads if you do want to go this way -

There are many more reviews available on youtube which are usually done by motorhomers who have genuine experience of using them.
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