In the end I suppose it needed to happen. Whether it was worth it only time will tell :D

Well go on then! Wharappened?
Idleness, incompetence, ineptitude and downright stupidity get me going..
Course pips are cunning these days.
Idleidity, incompetititude, ineptedence and stoopyness feature plenty.

I'm amazed these chumps manage to get dressed, let alone hold down a job.

Their you go @My Old Landy, I've ended the day as I started.

Night then, sweets dreams peeps :)
... that I have just heard from my brother that his second marriage has fallen apart. :(
Been with the lady 8 years and married for only just over 2 (I think).
He's 58 with moderately poor health (osteoporosis) and has been running a small but thriving steel fabrication business from their garage at home.
He will probably come out of it all with no home, no significant assets and very little in savings, poor guy. :(
Sorry to hear this Dan, it makes me think how lucky I am being with the same wonderful lady since 1987.
Hope things work out but sadly you are right he will lose everything :(
Well go on then! Wharappened?
Idleness, incompetence, ineptitude and downright stupidity get me going..
Course pips are cunning these days.
Idleidity, incompetititude, ineptedence and stoopyness feature plenty.

I'm amazed these chumps manage to get dressed, let alone hold down a job.

Their you go @My Old Landy, I've ended the day as I started.

Night then, sweets dreams peeps :)
I won't say on this open thread but it became personal which is never good.

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