I would appreciate some advice on buying a gazebo to cover a stall at next transport show I'm going to.
Bought a cheap one a few years ago and the tubes were so flimsy they bent
Been looking at some and they all seem to have bad reviews, leaking, falling apart etc
need to cover 5m x 4m but prob have to settle on 4m x 3m
I would appreciate some advice on buying a gazebo to cover a stall at next transport show I'm going to.
Bought a cheap one a few years ago and the tubes were so flimsy they bent
Been looking at some and they all seem to have bad reviews, leaking, falling apart etc
need to cover 5m x 4m but prob have to settle on 4m x 3m

Would love to help but all the ones I've had were made of cheese straws anorl
Would love to help but all the ones I've had were made of cheese straws anorl

So I have seen the chiropractor. :)
If I felt bad before, I feel worse now. :(
He did say he had expected a reaction to the last adjustment, and did 3 more attacks on the joint and then knocked all my fillings out (or how it felt) with a percussive massage on the locked-up muscles in my shoulders & neck.
Home now but with a splitting headache. Off to do the shopping in a mo'.
I may just take to my bed when we get back. :(
Well, have to say that i am pleased he is relly trying to sort you out, albeit painful.
You are lucky in that he is brave enough to have a go.
With risks involved on your other vertebrae many chiros would, chicken out.:):):)
Well today's been funny!
wot the 'eck is Stan doin on 'siderin he's supposed to beat he theater?
Well, yes, exactly!
W got her dates mixed up and altho she had booked this a year ago.......
We are due top go next week, on the same day as a Doc's appt I made.:rolleyes:
So i cancelled the dins booking, rebooked another then went into toon to see the docs, made a NOO appt and "discovered " that a doc had made a telephone appt with me that i didn't even know about. FFS! (Am i allowed to say that? For Flips Sake?)
So 2 new appts.
Then back behind the wheel driving towards sorting out Visa apointment.
Got stuck in to finding ways around the normal obstructivity of most websites where thay have FAQs and other rubbish that tells you knothing and allows you no contact.
Managed to leave a sort of message.
Anyway around midday managed to click on email and lo and beeehold, TLScontact had cobbkled something together to akllw me to progress with it all.
It was obvious that they had had to mess around with it all, putting up a semi false application with no actual names on which i was then able to go back into, change and finish off.
So that is now done. All (!) we have to do now is assemble all the rubbish stuff they want to see at the interview and then turn up on the day.
We thought it was going to be cheaper but no, still £65 just for TLScontact to do nothing really other than arrange an appointment, then the cost of the visas €99 x 2, then two days travel to London and back to do the interview and then back to pick up the passports. So time, fuel, car park fees etc. Royal pain in the rear.
We are more seriously thinking about getting Cartes de Séjour and then maybe going for residency. Don't wan to but this is bonkers.
To think I could have done that back in 1980 with my ex, who incidentally was much nicer when in her own country! (work that one out!)
Sometimes wish one could rewind life and make different choices.
But that wouldn't have been the only one, or even the most important one!!
Jeeez getting filsoppherical there!
Think I need a lie down!
STILL flipping raining. Lordy lord I am fed up of it.:mad::mad::mad:
Enjoy the rest of the day folks!:):):)
How did all that occur?
In 2017 I thought I had learned how to weld.
I built my first trike and it seemed good. I added e-assist and it was nice & fast.
I was testing it on a downhill stretch when a critical weld failed and the left-front wheel folded under and I was pitched over the top @ 30MPH.
No skid-lid and my attempts to save myself broke my shoulder and I landed on the back of my neck on the roadway. My arm/shoulder saved me from dashing my brains out, but the neck got mangled.
I walked away not knowing how severe the damage was. I failed to go straight to A&E and instead went to Holland 2 weeks later for a cycling holiday. Been having problems ever since.
In 2017 I thought I had learned how to weld.
I built my first trike and it seemed good. I added e-assist and it was nice & fast.
I was testing it on a downhill stretch when a critical weld failed and the left-front wheel folded under and I was pitched over the top @ 30MPH.
No skid-lid and my attempts to save myself broke my shoulder and I landed on the back of my neck on the roadway. My arm/shoulder saved me from dashing my brains out, but the neck got mangled.
I walked away not knowing how severe the damage was. I failed to go straight to A&E and instead went to Holland 2 weeks later for a cycling holiday. Been having problems ever since.
Ouch lucky you didnt sn@p yer he@d off o_O
In 2017 I thought I had learned how to weld.
I built my first trike and it seemed good. I added e-assist and it was nice & fast.
I was testing it on a downhill stretch when a critical weld failed and the left-front wheel folded under and I was pitched over the top @ 30MPH.
No skid-lid and my attempts to save myself broke my shoulder and I landed on the back of my neck on the roadway. My arm/shoulder saved me from dashing my brains out, but the neck got mangled.
I walked away not knowing how severe the damage was. I failed to go straight to A&E and instead went to Holland 2 weeks later for a cycling holiday. Been having problems ever since.
Rools lick only :(
In 2017 I thought I had learned how to weld.
I built my first trike and it seemed good. I added e-assist and it was nice & fast.
I was testing it on a downhill stretch when a critical weld failed and the left-front wheel folded under and I was pitched over the top @ 30MPH.
No skid-lid and my attempts to save myself broke my shoulder and I landed on the back of my neck on the roadway. My arm/shoulder saved me from dashing my brains out, but the neck got mangled.
I walked away not knowing how severe the damage was. I failed to go straight to A&E and instead went to Holland 2 weeks later for a cycling holiday. Been having problems ever since.
Ouch sorry to hear about the neck? What pillow do you use?

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