I have the sickness bug… been trying to get rid of it since Monday. Mrs also has it so that means a quiet Christmas at home.
We have put a the celebrations back a few weeks.(other extended family are sick as well)

Now to find some food for the next few days off. Have asked the mrs if she will cope with a Christmas with me at home…. So far this is number 3 in 30 years
I have the sickness bug… been trying to get rid of it since Monday. Mrs also has it so that means a quiet Christmas at home.
We have put a the celebrations back a few weeks.(other extended family are sick as well)

Now to find some food for the next few days off. Have asked the mrs if she will cope with a Christmas with me at home…. So far this is number 3 in 30 years
Sorry to hear you are sick Phill, that really sucks!
Just had some more air fryed chips. Popped int sainsberrys smornin. Lamb legs aint reduced but the beef was. Eye int done massive lumps ov meet in me slow cookerer before so i will stick to lamb fer now. Tis a big sainsberrys un the car park was already full at 8am. Queue ter gerrin. Peeps wiv over flowing trollys coming oot.
I have the sickness bug… been trying to get rid of it since Monday. Mrs also has it so that means a quiet Christmas at home.
We have put a the celebrations back a few weeks.(other extended family are sick as well)

Now to find some food for the next few days off. Have asked the mrs if she will cope with a Christmas with me at home…. So far this is number 3 in 30 years

oh no th@ts unfortun@te :(:( i hope yous recover soon. :)
... Scratchy cat is still "sick".
Look's like she is heading for kidney failure like her sister "itchy".
Vets is umm-ing and ahh-ing and its >£200 so far, at what point do you say .......Nahhh..... gimme the £65 final bill? :(

th@ts terrible so s@d. :( h@rd to s@y when enough is enough but when there is no qu@lity of
life @n when they @re suffering its time. :(:(
I have the sickness bug… been trying to get rid of it since Monday. Mrs also has it so that means a quiet Christmas at home.
We have put a the celebrations back a few weeks.(other extended family are sick as well)

Now to find some food for the next few days off. Have asked the mrs if she will cope with a Christmas with me at home…. So far this is number 3 in 30 years
I hope you feel better asap

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