Raked the leaves off me grass this morning and binned them, looks a lot tidier now. Then fired me tratter up for a tip run. Its been stood idle for a couple of weeks mostly because if I need some transport I take 'er indoors car as its less hassle than reorganising the driveway. Nice to re-connect with me tratter, comfortable upright seating position, radio on, slow gear changes through the box as large lumps of metal clang into place, boot down and surging forward whilst giving loads of driver input to the steering to keep it aimed correctly. I love me tratter :):):)
Raked the leaves off me grass this morning and binned them, looks a lot tidier now. Then fired me tratter up for a tip run. Its been stood idle for a couple of weeks mostly because if I need some transport I take 'er indoors car as its less hassle than reorganising the driveway. Nice to re-connect with me tratter, comfortable upright seating position, radio on, slow gear changes through the box as large lumps of metal clang into place, boot down and surging forward whilst giving loads of driver input to the steering to keep it aimed correctly. I love me tratter :):):)

That was beautiful... Sniff...:)
night out l@st night w@s nice, i w@s driving so no booze for me it didnt bother me tbh but why
is there @lw@ys @ couple of peeps who m@ke @n @rse of themselves drink m@kes them invincible. :rolleyes:

one l@d w@s bothering my misses usual @rm round her being @ pest then sh@king my h@nd
trying to be the big strong m@n fk off y@ tw@tt. he w@s persistent so once my misses turned her
b@ck i got hold of his left h@nd n twisted him upside down he sque@led like @ little bitch lol
i h@d to let him go @s she turned round lol
L@ter on she did @sk if i hurt him i s@id nope, bet hes sore tod@y though c@use i ne@rly broke
his wrist. couple of l@ds c@me up n th@nked me @s he w@s getting out of h@nd. pun intended :D
night out l@st night w@s nice, i w@s driving so no booze for me it didnt bother me tbh but why
is there @lw@ys @ couple of peeps who m@ke @n @rse of themselves drink m@kes them invincible. :rolleyes:

one l@d w@s bothering my misses usual @rm round her being @ pest then sh@king my h@nd
trying to be the big strong m@n fk off y@ tw@tt. he w@s persistent so once my misses turned her
b@ck i got hold of his left h@nd n twisted him upside down he sque@led like @ little bitch lol
i h@d to let him go @s she turned round lol
L@ter on she did @sk if i hurt him i s@id nope, bet hes sore tod@y though c@use i ne@rly broke
his wrist. couple of l@ds c@me up n th@nked me @s he w@s getting out of h@nd. pun intended :D
It is a real shame that folks who can't hold their drink try and spoil an evening for everyone else. Good on you and hopefully he will have learned a lesson!
It is a real shame that folks who can't hold their drink try and spoil an evening for everyone else. Good on you and hopefully he will have learned a lesson!

doubt it once they get @ hiding is when they le@rn to control it, just @ m@tter of time init. :D
nowt worse, there were @nother 2 l@ds which were off there he@ds id be emb@rr@ssed if i w@s in
so much of @ st@te th@t you c@nt t@lk. o_O why people do th@t is beyond me. :confused:
It is a real shame that folks who can't hold their drink try and spoil an evening for everyone else. Good on you and hopefully he will have learned a lesson!

doubt it once they get @ hiding is when they le@rn to control it, just @ m@tter of time init. :D
nowt worse, there were @nother 2 l@ds which were off there he@ds id be emb@rr@ssed if i w@s in
so much of @ st@te th@t you c@nt t@lk. o_O why people do th@t is beyond me. :confused:

The very reason I int attending our wurks do tonight. Instant asshats, just add booze.
doubt it once they get @ hiding is when they le@rn to control it, just @ m@tter of time init. :D
nowt worse, there were @nother 2 l@ds which were off there he@ds id be emb@rr@ssed if i w@s in
so much of @ st@te th@t you c@nt t@lk. o_O why people do th@t is beyond me. :confused:
I sometimes think, the way people act when they are drunk is what they are really like, only social conformity makes them behave themselves when sober.

Dottir and her husband have been in the process of buying a new build house in a nice part of the county, on a new estate of over 100 new houses. They got one of the last ones. About 2 weeks ago they had their first viewing, with the brick shell finished and the roof on, with internal works underway. They took a load of photos. On which they queried why the brickwork was so messy with horrendous mortar snots and smears everywhere. And it transpired, the well known builder had built the final four or five properties on the development with the wrong facing bricks. The ones with the right bricks look terrific, but these few look horrendous. Anyway, long story shortened, they have wisely decided to reject the house (after the builder fessed up and admitted their mistakes). A wise decision as when I checked up, the build now falls outside the planning consents :eek:
Dottir and her husband have been in the process of buying a new build house in a nice part of the county, on a new estate of over 100 new houses. They got one of the last ones. About 2 weeks ago they had their first viewing, with the brick shell finished and the roof on, with internal works underway. They took a load of photos. On which they queried why the brickwork was so messy with horrendous mortar snots and smears everywhere. And it transpired, the well known builder had built the final four or five properties on the development with the wrong facing bricks. The ones with the right bricks look terrific, but these few look horrendous. Anyway, long story shortened, they have wisely decided to reject the house (after the builder fessed up and admitted their mistakes). A wise decision as when I checked up, the build now falls outside the planning consents :eek:
They made a good choice there then!!!

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