Hi, AFAIK when set to MAX they NEVER close no matter what.
The system has been bled (several times) including the filter unit that has its own little bleeder ( ;) ).
Whenever the pump is running the filter unit makes a lot of noise as the water is forced through the baffle and past the magnetic separator tube before exiting out the other side.
Prior to the filter being installed this system was "silent" and had no overheat issues. So I think I will try to take it out of circuit as a next step. This will be a pretty binary test I think. :)

Any kind of filter will increase the pressure drop across the system and thereby the reduce flow hence the probs with overheating. If everything goes through the filter it doesn't matter what you do with the rads. I'm no plumberer but a bypass around the filter for normal use (why filter it all the time) might be an idea?
... that entry to the Solent today was less distressing than previous so I must be acclimatising. Stayed in till my hands started to hurt, more than enough. Am learning though, hot coffee with a brandy in it to warm the cockles and a pre run hot bath waiting at home. Still massively hungry after, not complaining :)
... that entry to the Solent today was less distressing than previous so I must be acclimatising. Stayed in till my hands started to hurt, more than enough. Am learning though, hot coffee with a brandy in it to warm the cockles and a pre run hot bath waiting at home. Still massively hungry after, not complaining :)
You really are a brave man!
Spose mag filters just pull ferrous out the system rather than actually filter.. ummm... filtrate. How they do anything else I don't know..
They allow the rad watta to pass by a magnet that collects stuff thats attracted to magnets. Mine has the magnet in a plastic tube. Stuff attracts to the ootside ov the tube. Remove the plastic tube then pull the magnet oot ov the plastic tube, to be able to wipe oft the stuff stuck to the plastic. Easy to fit and should reduce rads clogging up and stop bits going frew yer boiler as rads rust inside. My system has corroshun inhibiter burrits still good to havva mag filter.
They allow the rad watta to pass by a magnet that collects stuff thats attracted to magnets. Mine has the magnet in a plastic tube. Stuff attracts to the ootside ov the tube. Remove the plastic tube then pull the magnet oot ov the plastic tube, to be able to wipe oft the stuff stuck to the plastic. Easy to fit and should reduce rads clogging up and stop bits going frew yer boiler as rads rust inside. My system has corroshun inhibiter burrits still good to havva mag filter.

How small a tube I wonder then?
Had two instances where poison was not a good idea. Had a rat problem on a site, dying rat got under my site office where it expired and rotted away for weeks - HORIBBLE stink. Same again when I was working in Devon and had digs in an old farm house. A poisoned rat crawled under the floor boards of my bedroom ( through a hole in the ceiling below) where it scratched away for a couple of days before it expired. Again, the stench was there for weeks, plus the flies which invaded the kitchen below.
Sounds like the chapter in "Stalky and Co" (R. Kipling) but twas a cat in that one! and shoved in there on porpoise!;)
not including co@l so theres @nother 4 quid @ d@y on th@t.
so we r two gr@nd @ ye@r.
Lever up the 'a' key ter gerrit oft. Then clean the back ovvit and the pads it pushes doon on. Then put the key int place un press doon to re- tatch it back int place. Vid's on you toob on how ter do it. Contact cleaner leaves a conductive grease so dunt use that. Pollyroll wivva tiny amount ov watta will do.

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