and a match, oh, did I say that out loud?:eek::eek:
Google "new keyboard for (whatever make of pooter you have)" it'll be a shed sight cheaper than a new pooter!!! even if you have to pay peeps to fit it. Fitting one round here would be about £40 and they'd prolly get a keyboard for you cheaper.;)
Ere's sum, both separate and asctool replacements of originals.

nice one t@ much never thought of th@t my m@te might be @ble to fit one. :)
It does look more and more that I have long covid
My heart goes out to you.
as you may have read in other posts, my middle dottir has this and linked with her ME/Lupus/whatever the docs choose to call it this week she has had to give up work and is now officially disabled with a PIP etc. she can't even get out of the house to go shopping.
I get the impression that yours isn't this bad but they reckon one in 4 covid victims get it.
I have also read that long Covid sufferers do usually get over most of their problems but it is a long haul and there is no guarantee.
There is a lot of stuff on the net and forums of people in your situation so I hope you find help and solace from them.
Again, you have my total sympathy and sincere wishes that things pick up for you.
No smiley for it, so big hugs.
Mornin orl. Be a sad day doan yer as Hippocrates an yer DG have parted company. There be a tear in us eye as I type for us ad bin turgevver fur 7 yurs but a time comes in everyone’s laife when changes av tu be maid. Us shook ands and wished each uvver well an us waved us spotted hankie as ee pottered up the lane fur the lars taime. Us be chokin back a tear zo will close now. Fink of me as yer climb inter yer Landies, frens.
Am sorry to hear ov yer loss :(
My heart goes out to you.
as you may have read in other posts, my middle dottir has this and linked with her ME/Lupus/whatever the docs choose to call it this week she has had to give up work and is now officially disabled with a PIP etc. she can't even get out of the house to go shopping.
I get the impression that yours isn't this bad but they reckon one in 4 covid victims get it.
I have also read that long Covid sufferers do usually get over most of their problems but it is a long haul and there is no guarantee.
There is a lot of stuff on the net and forums of people in your situation so I hope you find help and solace from them.
Again, you have my total sympathy and sincere wishes that things pick up for you.
No smiley for it, so big hugs.
It's the tiredness that I'm struggling with. Still coughing alot.

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