Yes we had that, lovely. We also had a pud we called concrete, it was brown and incredibly hard. Nowadays they would make you wear a hard hat and safety goggles to tackle it. It was common to bend spoons trying to dig into it, when the spoon did manage to penetrate it, it would shatter and bits would fly everywhere.

Sound similar to the "Oat & Syrup" concoction that was baked to a hard glaze that even the hot custard could not penetrate.
Was a good mouthful to chew though once you broke a bit off. :D
Ovo has wrowtid to me to say sorry fer putting me direct debit up in one go, as opposed to monitoring it more often. Eye teld them to naff oft at the time. They is giving me 30 sovs fer being annoying. Eye wonder iffut has anyfink to do wiv the regulator telling providers not to collect too many sovs too early from its customers.
evenin @ll been takqin @ll my f1les oot my l@pptop plus @ll my picz
cuse qits fucaked @s z,qi spqilt @ rum n coake over qit :oops::mad::( bstqid

z,soem of my letters n numbers dont wiorak n some wiv extr@ letters o_O
goqin to looak for @ noo one
not @ble to t@g @nyone neqither could use my eye p@d wiqith the dqignosqic but 1 cnt remember @ll
my p@sswords then eye wiont be @ble to log qin on thqis devqice

z,yous gettqing thqis :D
Oh dear! a private road. urghhh!:eek::eek::eek:
My ex s-i-l and his Dad both live on a long unadopted, tarmac road. Some of the neighbours are good, some are OK and some are absolute sh!te. All the houses are worth a fortune and on big plots. But when it comes to repairing potholes, putting in sleeping policemen to slow down those who treat it as a rat run etc., it is a feckin nightmare. One year these two did the whole road themselves. Trying to get money off those who lived there was awful and in the end they actually got abuse from those who refused to pay up but still drove up and down the road every day. :mad::mad::mad:
So if your peeps all agree and come up with the money up front, you'll be doing well!;)

eye wiiqll be gettqin some csh up front or eye qint doqing qit
evenin @ll been takqin @ll my f1les oot my l@pptop plus @ll my picz
cuse qits fucaked @s z,qi spqilt @ rum n coake over qit :oops::mad::( bstqid

z,soem of my letters n numbers dont wiorak n some wiv extr@ letters o_O
goqin to looak for @ noo one
not @ble to t@g @nyone neqither could use my eye p@d wiqith the dqignosqic but 1 cnt remember @ll
my p@sswords then eye wiont be @ble to log qin on thqis devqice

z,yous gettqing thqis :D
The keys pull oft. Do so and clean them where they touch the pcb. Press fit to put back.

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