Gorra app to control it anorl. Gives yer graffs and stuff to look at un warns yer aboot batt-tree condition. Eye ignored it assit wurn't being used. Eye is going to buy it some rechargabul batt'tree's fer crispmus from argos. Eye can control un monitor it over the web. Also manually control it wivvoot the app. Saved quite a bit wivvit.
i really like being able to control heat to individual rooms, don't need to turn the temp up downstairs in the main room (where the main thermostat is) to get heat upstairs
Thanks @kermit_rr , is it noisy in operation? Our bedroom is the problem area with condensation on the windows and on the walls of the en-suite bathroom.
My concern would be any compressor noise (a lot of them are compressor based I think).
After steaming up the baffroom, open a window and shut the door. When its dried oot, open the door and close the window. That's wot eye does so eye dun't put lots ov humid air in me castle after a baff.

My dehumidifier has a fan that blows on a cooled rad to collect watta. Rad is a basic air con unit eye fink.
Still waiting fer argos to blink. They sent me a reminder yesdi that eye has items in me baskit. They ain't gottid me sovs yet buut me vowchair ends at mid nite so they will gerra order today. Eye will collect fursday. Going oot to collect up more leefs now.

Rite fred this time.
.... has anyone got direct experience of domestic dehumidifiers please?
We are experiencing some issues with condensation here at Clarke Towers and I want to assess the options.
Thanks in advance for your collective wisdom. :)
Normal household activities generate lots of moisture - washing, cooking, drying clothes, bathroom blah blah blah. The way we heat and insulate our homes, stop draughts etc. means that houses can no longer breathe. Good ventilation is essential to reduce condensation.
It is worth noting that your quote is from a company touting for custom!

It also said 'do not put your laptop into rice' - I agree BUT I suggest that putting some rice grains into the laptop is rather different from putting the laptop into the rice.
Putting a few grains into your salt pot stops the moisture ruining the salt, too - handy when leaving a caravan/MH over winter.:)
This isn't the only place I have seen this or read this.
I once watched a demo on TV where the peeps took a mobile phone that had been dropped in water and they tried all sorts of ways of drying it out and rice deffo didn't work.
Just brushing rice onto it wouldn't work quickly enough either.
Rice works in your salt pot and also in jars of stuff like gravy powder as I use it for that too. In the old days people used to use dried peas as well. But that is because it sucks water out of the atmosphere that would otherwise get into the salt etc.
In fact he may be better off dusting it quickly with salt then brushing it off again really quickly.
did you read the article to the end?
And if computer peeps don't know how to do it, then who does?
Will you be telling him my advice to turn it upside down was wrong too then?
speed humps have a place i guess, but if hate having to drive over them to and from my house!! And if it's the long strips, that would put a stop to myducati :(
Speed bumps just make people rev and brake more, should be banned
His road has a lot of children and animals on it, mainly horses. Without them it is a racetrack, long and straight although narrow in places.
Thanks all, I am now on a course of antibiotics. The knock on effect is I have to delay the next injection which was planned for today. Hopefully it won't undo the good work the loading dose has done but getting the infection under control is paramount.
So good news but bad news as well.
As you say they have got the priority right but it must be really frustrating.:(:(
Feel for you, mate. :(:(:(
any idea what caused it?
i really like being able to control heat to individual rooms, don't need to turn the temp up downstairs in the main room (where the main thermostat is) to get heat upstairs
We must be really old fashioned and stoppid then, as we turn valves off in rooms we aren't using and turn them back on again before we need to use them.
The whole, lot goes off over night.
No apps, no batteries, nothing to go wrong.
And we get exercise.
Also wearing sweaters during the day, which I never normally do.
We get the odd bit of condensation so we mop it up, it's only ever on the windows.
And if necessary we open a window. with the heating off and the door closed. as long as it isn't raining.
Think we should have been born two centuries ago.
After steaming up the baffroom, open a window and shut the door. When its dried oot, open the door and close the window. That's wot eye does so eye dun't put lots ov humid air in me castle after a baff.

My dehumidifier has a fan that blows on a cooled rad to collect watta. Rad is a basic air con unit eye fink.
Agree totally with the first bit.
But if you use a dehumidifier it uses electric which is kinda defeating the whole "save energy" thing. Might as well have the rad on. To dry clothes when it is raining we put them on a rack in a bathroom and leave them there. When the rad is on it helps but if the rad is off they still dry cos we leave the door open. Never get any condensation, dunno why.
We must be really old fashioned and stoppid then, as we turn valves off in rooms we aren't using and turn them back on again before we need to use them.
The whole, lot goes off over night.
No apps, no batteries, nothing to go wrong.
And we get exercise.
Also wearing sweaters during the day, which I never normally do.
We get the odd bit of condensation so we mop it up, it's only ever on the windows.
And if necessary we open a window. with the heating off and the door closed. as long as it isn't raining.
Think we should have been born two centuries ago.
i've smart TRVs in key rooms, so any one can call heat from the boiler, so i can keep the living room on low during the day while i'm working in the office etc, previously if i wanted heat in the office, i had to turn the main room thermostat up
sun is shining.
company that should have sent the exhaust to the exhaust place forgot to order it.
How many feckers are there in the supply chain?:mad::mad::mad::mad:
So it won't get done until tomoz.
Went for flu jab this morn. Place (Dr's surgery) was heaving. Started doing it then stopped calling names out.:rolleyes:
I went and asked the nurse what was going on and she more or less said "free for all". So you have to imagine a decorous scrum occurring amongst a load of OAPs.:rolleyes::(
As I was stood at the door next to the nurse and with my left sleeve rolled up she waved me in.
You get nowt without asking.
What a way to run a ballroom, typical of our place.:(:(:(
W is at her sewing which i had to take her to as technically her car now has no MOT as it failed although it still had till the end of the month to run. :rolleyes::mad: "A grey area" I have been told.
But noticed the front wheels going over sleeping plods in the car park led to a tremendous clang/clash/bang so I am about to go out and try and see what it is.
Enjoy the rest of the day folks!!!:):):)

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